Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Some document, describing steps we did for the version a statement, than OATC is happy with the status of Version 2 is required.
Content we will be obtained soon. Status (question)
Up to this moment version is temporaly accepted.



2 Actions to SVN Repository and web sites before release

SVN Repository

The following actions have to be taken:


(thumbs up) Peter: make proposal for site (news, button, etc., referring to the wiki).

1.3 OpenMI 2.0 at conferences, workshops etc.

OpenWater Interoperability Symposiumat IHE-Unesco

  • 20./21. April 2011 at IHE Unesco in Delft
  • OAEC suggested that someone from OATC should present 2.0

EGU 2011

2.1. Documentation

Updating of the Documentation
