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Wiki Markup

{tip}Within the Deltares network, a public testbed client is available through the following URL: http://d00753:5000/interface/index{tip}

h1. Contents


h1. Introduction

The XBeach Testbed is an automated testing environment for the [XBeach model|XBEACH:Home]. The testbed monitors the quality of the model developments. In order to do so, a collection of model setups is collected in the [Subversion repository|] of Deltares together with the latest model source code, possibly arranged in different branches. When the testbed is run, both the source code revisions as well as the model setups are downloaded from the repository, binaries are built and tests are run.

Tests can be run in different configurations, with different paramerter files and different versions of the XBeach executable. After all tests are finished, a collection of Matlab scripts performs the post-processing of the model results. The use of Matlab scripts makes management of the post-processing easy accessible for everyone. The scripts generate figures, tables and statistical performance scores. The result of the post-processing is then captured in several PDF reports. The reports are automatically e-mailed to the developers of XBeach.

The XBeach Testbed runs on a daily basis and contains over 50 model setups and 4 different executables. The testbed is written in Python and can be run over different computers using XML-RPC. The testbed is therfore splitted into a server and client part, which are both automatically updated from the subversion repository as well.

h1. Installation

h2. Requirements

The XBeach Testbed requires the following software to be installed:

|| Name || URL || Remarks ||
| Python 2.6 | [] | |
| PySVN 1.7 | [] | |
| Pylons 1.0 | [] | Client only |
| Mako 0.4.0 | [] | Client only |
| Miktex 2.8 | [] | Windows client only |
| pdflatex | | Linux client only |
| Matlab | [] | Client only |
| MPICH2 | [] | Server only |
| Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 | [] | Windows server only |
| Intel Fortran Compiler | [] | Windows server only |
| GNU Fortran Compiler | [] | Linux server only |

The XBeach Testbed requires the following environment variables to be set:

|| Name || Value || Remarks ||
| PYTHON_PATH | Path to python executable | |
| PDFLATEX_PATH | Path to pdflatex executable | Client only |
| MATLAB_PATH | Path to Matlab executable | Client only |
| MPIEXEC_PATH | Path to mpiexec executable | Server only |
| VS90COMNTOOLS | Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 installation directory | Windows server only |
| IFORT_COMPILER11 | Intel Fortran Compiler installation directory | Windows server only |
| INTEL_LICENSE_FILE | Path to Intel Fortran Compiler license file | Windows server only |
| GFORTRAN_PATH | Path to gfortran executable | Linux server only |

h2. Download

The XBeach Testbed can be installed by running the following python script: []. The script downloads the testbed from the subversion repository.

h2. Run

The server can be started by running the tools/python/testbed/ script.

The client can be started by running the tools/python/testbed/ script.

The tools/testbed.cfg file on the client machine should be adapted to hold the hostnames and ports of the servers to be used. Adding -h to the script call will display help information.

A public client is available via the webpage [http://d00753:5000/interface/index]. Keep in mind that this client is also a server, preforming too many requests will slow down it's performance. Consider installing a dedicated client by that time.

h1. Overview


h1. Adding a test

* Create a checkout of the testbed repository: []
* Create a test directory with the name of the test in the _input_ directory
* Create a working model in the test directory
* Create a Matlab script that analyses the model output in the test directory

The Matlab script takes two arguments: _info_ and _dirs_. Both arguments are structs that have the following contents:

info = struct( ...
    'revision', 1234, ...                                                       // revision number of current binary
    'binary',   'trunk', ...                                                    // name of current binary
    'type',     'custom',                                                       // mode of current run (custom or default)
    'test',     'CarrierGreenspan',                                             // name of current test
    'run',      'default' ...                                                   // name of current run

dirs = struct( ...
    'output',  'C:\TESTBED\analysis\trunk\custom\CarrierGreenspan\default', ... // Path where output should be stored
    'data',    '', ...                                                          // Path where static data can be found
    'network', 'P:\STORAGE\DATA\CarrierGreenspan' ...                           // Network storage that can be used

* Create a configuration file called _test.cfg_ in the test directory

The configuration file has the following or similar contents:

[general]                                                                       // SECTION: General information
enable          = 1                                                             // Enable test in testbed
runs            = default, stationary                                           // Definition of test runs
responsible     = Bas Hoonhout <>                       // Name and e-mail of maintainer

[run_default]                                                                   // SECTION: Configuration of test run "default"
enable          = 1                                                             // Enable run in testbed
params          = params_original.txt                                           // Parameter file to use in run
binaries        = all                                                           // Binaries that should use this run
types           = all                                                           // Modes in which this run should be used (custom/default/all)
platforms       = all                                                           // Platforms on which this run should be used (win32/unix/all)
nodes           = 1                                                             // Number of nodes that should be used during this run (> 1 for MPI)
analysis        = analyze_this                                                  // Matlab function to be used for the postprocessing of the results

[run_stationary]                                                                // SECTION: Configuration of test run "stationary", see above
enable          = 1
params          = params_stationary.txt
binaries        = trunk, speedup
types           = custom
platforms       = win32
nodes           = 1
analysis        = analyze_this

[categories]                                                                    // SECTION: Category definitions used for classification of test
configuration   = 1D                                                            // Grid configuration (1D/2D)
waves           = stationary                                                    // Wave configuration (stationary/non-stationary)
waterlevels     = constant                                                      // Water level configuration (constant/varying)
morphology      = no                                                            // Morphology configuration (yes/no)
fractions       = 1                                                             // Number of sediment fractions
hardlayers      = no                                                            // Hard layer configuration (yes/no)
groundwaterflow = no                                                            // Ground water flow configuration (yes/no)

* Create a TEX file in the _latex/___tests_ directory with a descriptive text for the added test and references to the postprocessing output

Images are referenced to as shown below. The first argument is the path containing the test and run name of the output. The second argument is the file name to be referenced. The third argument is an optional caption of the image.

${tools.image('CarrierGreenspan/default/', 'fig1.eps', 'Model output')}

Tables are referenced in a similar manner:

${tools.table('Assateague_Island/profA/', 'conditions.tex', 'Hydrodynamic boundary conditions XBeach simulations')}

* Create one or more references to the test description TEX file in one or more documents

References to descriptive texts are made as follows:

<%include file="carriergreenspan.tex"/>

* Commit the additions to the Subversion repository

h2. Coding guidelines

The [Matlab XBeach Toolbox|Toolbox] is available within the testbed environment. The following commands from this toolbox are preferred to use, including the names of the variables. Please see the corresponding documentation for the exact syntax:

* Read model dimensions

{code}d = xb_read_dims;{code}

* Read model input

{code}xbi = xb_read_input;{code}

* Read model output

xbo = xb_read_output(pwd, 'vars', { ... }, ...);
xbo = xb_peel(xb_read_output(pwd, 'vars', { ... }, ...));

* Generate grid information

{code}s = xb_stagger(d.x,d.y);{code}

* Miscellaneous functions

path = fullfile( ... );
k = disper(w,h);
S = xb_spectrum(zs);
[r2 sci relbias bss] = xb_skill( ... );

* Create figures and tables

xb_plot_profiles(xbo, ...);
xb_plot_profiles(xbo, 'measured', [x y], 'durosta', [x y], ...);

xb_plot_wavetrans(xbo, ...);
xb_plot_wavetrans(xbo, 'Hrms_lf', zs, 'Hrms_hf', H);

xb_write_skilltable(xbo, [x y]);