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NEXT Control is an open platform where knowledge can be shared and applied to on the field of real-time control, from simple to very complex, can be shared and applied. These include the schemes controllers as an algoritm themselves, as well as end product algorithm products and its application in operational systems. All components with the Control NEXT stamp its are open-source (LGPL license) and are available through the WIKI. This way we can together ensure ensures that all developments are mutually reinforcing.
You can also participate in and discuss new arrangementsreinforce each other.

What can Control NEXT?

Control NEXT is a modular control system specifically developed for the water sector was developed to make it easier to apply real-time control in practice easier. Control NEXT is no substitute for the telemetry systemsystems, but is connected to the existing telemetry systems. Control NEXT Control can also be connected to systems like weather (forecast) systems or KNMI Meteo Consult. The controls are so . This way the controllers form smart links between diferent systems.

The controllers are in from Control NEXT free at your disposal. A large number of components is now waiting for you. Use is made of are free for use. For coding the controllers standard scripting languages are used. This structure makes it possible to provide flexible, new controls provides a flexible way to add new controllers. Within the Control NEXT platform if need be it is possible to have more than 1000 schemes controllers run independently run and to control the water system. It makes no difference whether the system controls of open water systems, the sewer systems or the water chain and / or treatment usedsystems.

Simple and complex controls

Special to Control NEXT particular control is that besides simple (if-then-else, or PID) controllers, advanced state-of-the-art controls controllers are available. These regulators controllers are suitable for large and complex applications such as controlling an entire treatment group, complex atrial polder canals and river systems or networks with hundreds of input and output variables that are driven numerous works of art. The unique Control NEXT is that it is possible to easily start, then over time the scheme to expand both in size and complexity.
NEXT Control communitydrive numerous water structures.

Control NEXT community

Control NEXT NEXT Control was established by a consortium of in which science, knowledge institutions and consultants meet: TU Delft, Nelen & Schuurmans and Deltares. Control NEXT control has an open structure in which has an open third-party software applications can easily be included as , for example the NMPC control of DotxControl.

Control NEXT control is fully on compatible with Delft-FEWS and Lizard and is available without licensing fees.NEXT control is tested in practice and is used by eg Water Hollands Noorderkwartier, Waterboard Hollandse Delta and several municipalities including Purmerend, Alkmaar, Heerhugowaard and ancient links.




Het bijzonder aan Control NEXT is dat er naast eenvoudige (if-then-else, of PID) regelaars, geavanceerde state-of-the-art regelaars beschikbaar zijn. Deze regelaars zijn geschikt voor grootschalige en complexe toepassingen, zoals de besturing van een volledige zuiveringskring, complexe polder-boezemsystemen of kanalen en rivier netwerken met honderden input- en outputvariabelen waarmee talloze kunstwerken worden aangestuurd. Het unieke aan Control NEXT is dat het mogelijk is om eenvoudig te beginnen, om vervolgens in de loop van de tijd de regeling uit te breiden zowel in omvang als complexiteit.

Control NEXT community

Control NEXT is opgezet door een consortium van waarin wetenschap, kennisinstellingen en adviesbureaus samenkomen: TU-Delft, Deltares en Nelen & Schuurmans. Control NEXT heeft een open structuur waarin software applicaties van derden kunnen worden opgenomen, zoals de NMPC-regelaar van DotxControl.
