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Link results between models

Result maps of a model can be used as input to an other model. You can either
1) type the file path of the result map as an input map for the next model or

checken of filepath typen werkt!

2) double click at the file path area to select the map, but is is easier
3) to link both maps in the Project Explorer.
Below we will explain this further.

This can be done by dragging the output map to the input map and drop the map there. For example in the figure below the result map, called uni_inp of model called Univariate Model is selected and dragged to the input map of model called Broken Linear Model. You can see from the arrow that you can drop the map there.
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After the maps are linked the Project Explorer shows a different icon. Note that also the name has changed.
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Screendumps toevoegen van linken van kaarten als de issues opgelost zijn.

In the model window the linked maps have a gray colour. This is shown in the picture below for the mean water depth and light extinction, which are used as input for a calculation of the amount of light reaching the soil. If the results of the input model(s) (in this example 'Depth' and 'Light Extinction') become(s) invalid through a change in the input files or a change in the funtion or classification table, than the results of the model which uses the output will also become invalid (in this case 'Light at soil'). The result maps of the models will be deleted. This is indicated in the Project Explorer with a red cross in front of the map name (see picture below).

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Model window and Project Explorer with linked maps (in gray)

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Model window and Project Explorer with linked maps (in gray) after results became invalid (indicated with red cross) as a result of changed input, equation or classification table

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