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The Water Coach adds log-files to this directory. A log-file is created for each scenario/script that is played and is added (with a time stamp) to the appropriate directory in the scenario/script database.


It is also possible to group several scenarios/scripts (that belong to different FEWS configurations for example) by using an extra directory level of subdirectories, i.e.

Code Block
|-- Sea
|   |-- scenario1
|   |   `-- script_config.xml
|   `-- scenario2
|       `-- script_config.xml
`-- River
    |-- scenario1
    |   `-- script_config.xml
    `-- scenario2
        `-- script_config.xml

In the application configuration, a reference to the appropriate scenario/script database can be set, for example ScenarioScriptDatabase/River.

FEWS Configuration

To minimize the size of the local datastore used for a game, one could seperate the import of maps and timeseries into seperate modules. This allows for a lower frequency for the import of maps. However, when this is apllied, an additional change should be made to the FEWS Configuration (see also application configuration).
