Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The XML import format is described by the schema files that can be found here. Here follows an a few example XML import filefiles:

Code Block

# Exporting timeseries with header:
#528002 CONCTTE.Cl (mg/l) unknown.NVT.OW nonequidistant never main 0

# Exporting timeseries with header:
#528002 CONCTTE.P (mg/l) unknown.NVT.OW nonequidistant never main 0

# Exporting timeseries with header:
#528001 CONCTTE.N (mg/l) unknown.NVT.OW nonequidistant never main 0

# Exporting timeseries with header:
#528001 WATDTE (m) unknown.NVT.OW nonequidistant never main 0

# Exporting timeseries with header:
#528005 WATDTE (m) unknown.NVT.OW nonequidistant never main 0

# Exporting timeseries with header:
#528001 T (°C) unknown.NVT.OW nonequidistant never main 0

Expected CSV headers
MeetPunt.code: mapped to location id (required)
Grootheid.code: if Parameter.code not present then this column is mapped to parameter id (optional)
Parameter.code: mapped to If not present then Grootheid.code is used.
Eenheid.code: mapped to timeseries unit and to qualifier 0 (required)
Hoedanigheid.code: mapped to qualifier 1 (required)
Compartiment.code: mapped to qualifier 2 (required)
Begindatum: mapped to timestamp together with BeginTijd (required)
Begintijd: mapped to timestamp. If not present only Begindatum is used. (optional)
Limietsymbool: mapped to OutOfDetectionRangeFlag value (optional)
Numeriekewaarde: contains numeric value. If empty then Alfanumeriekewaarde field is parsed to numeric value.
Alfanumeriekewaarde: only used if Numeriekewaarde field is empty
Kwaliteitsoordeel.code: mapped to flag value

Date and time formats
Format Begindatum: yyyyMMdd
Format Begintijd: HH:mm:ss

Commentline prefix: '#'
Column separator: ','
Decimal separator: '.'



Expected XML elements:

MeetObject: contains location information

MonsterObject: Forms the link between the MeetObject and the timeseries

WaardeReeksTijd: Elements containing timeseries data


Validation of the values in the UmAquo import files is done against the Aquo schemas . Instead of validating over the web, validation is done locally by validating against the schemas present in the resource file ^UmAquo_schemas.jar|\. This archive contains a subset of schemas from the Aquo schemas site. If the Aquo schemas are updated then a new version of the schemas jar must be distributed.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timeSeriesImportRun xmlns=""
    <!-- This is an example import configuration file for importing UmAquo CSV data from an import directory    -->
           <!-- Class name of UmAquo CSV parser -->

            <!-- Path to directory containing UmAquo libraries and schemas. If omitted then the content of the umaquo-bin
                 can be placed in the FEWS-bin dir -->
            <!-- Directory from which CSV files are to be imported -->
                   <!-- Optional: comment line prefix character. Default = # -->
                   <string key="COMMENT_PREFIX" value="#"/>
                   <!-- Optional: column separator character. Default = ; -->
                   <string key="COLUMN_SEPARATOR" value=";"/>
                   <!-- Optional: decimal character. Default = . -->
                   <string key="DECIMAL_SEPARATOR" value="."/>
                   <!-- Optional: Regular expression for date value. Default = yyyy-MM-dd -->
                   <string key="CSV_DATEPATTERN" value=";"/>
                   <!-- Optional: Regular expression for time value. Default = HH:mm:ss -->
                   <string key="CSV_TIMEPATTERN" value="HH:mm:ss"/>
                   <!-- Optional: select UmAquo schema version 2009 or 2011. Default = 2009 -->
                   <int key="SCHEMA_VERSION" value="2009"/>
            <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
            <timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
            <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
