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This section describes a number of benchmarks for which an exact analytical solution can be found in the literature.

Study Case described in "Technisch Rapport Voorland Zettingsvloeiing".


The example given in "Annex A - Case Study" of the Deltares report 1200503-001-GEO-0004 "Concept Technisch Rapport Voorland Zettingsvloeiing" of G.A. van den Ham & Co is used.
In this example, both global and detailed checks are completed the basis of a (fictitious) dike section, which with regard to geometry and soil structure is typical of the Southwest Delta.
The dike has a height of NAP + 5 m and a crest width of 3 m.
The foreshore begins to imaginary toe of the dike at an elevation of NAP and is 60m wide. The toe of the trench is NAP-15, 0 m and has a slope of 1:6. The dike section is 800m long.
The soil profile is as follows:

  • from NAP +3.5 m to NAP +1 m: peat
  • from NAP +1 m to NAP -5 m: silty clay
  • from NAP -5 m to NAP -18 m: moderately to loosely compacted sand (Calais)
    *from NAP -18 m to NAP -30 m: densely compacted sand
Benchmarks results

details of the analytical calculation can be found
The global check


Group 2: Benchmarks from literature (approximate solution)


hmp 63.9 (Nieuw Beijerland)


The dike profile at hmp 63.9 is given in the figure below.
XXX Insert figure
The soil profile and the material properties are given in the following table:
