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Definitions of all parameters used in DELFT-FEWS

schema location

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All time series data in DELFT-FEWS must be defined to be of one of the parameters supported. This configuration file defines the list of supported parameters, including the unit of the parameter.


Configuring a hierarchical tree view for parameters in Fews Explorer

Image Added

As of Fews 2010_01 there is a second root node parameters available in the parameters.xsd schema. This new element facilitates configurations of the parameters to be displayed in Fews Explorer in the form of a hierarchical tree. The parameters node embeds the parameterGroups element described above. The element parameterRootNode is of type ParameterNodeComplexType and represents the top node of the hierarchical tree structure that is to be displayed. Other parameterNodes can be nested within each instance of ParameterNodeComplexType. Each node has an id field and can have a name and description and multiple parameterIds. The parameterIds from parameterGroups that are not included in the hierarchical tree specified by parameterRootNode are added automatically at the root level.


This is element is of type ParameterNodeComplexType similar to parameterRootNode.

Code Block
         <parameterRootNode id="Parameters">
                <parameterNode id="Discharge">
                <parameterNode id="Water Level">
                        <name>Water level</name>