Versions Compared


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Code Block
String getClientConfigFile(String clientId, String fileExtension);


  • clientId: <id not required>
  • returns: Date field containing OC system time.
Code Block

long getLastUpdateTime();

Get last time that OC is updated.

  • returns: Long representation of time (modified Julian date).
Code Block
String getDisplayUnit(String parameterId);

Retrieves display unit for a specific parameter

  • returns: String holding the unit
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String getTimeZoneId(String clientId);


  • clientId: <id not required>
  • returns: String representation of time zone.
Code Block
String[] getColdStateIds(String clientId, String idgetSelectedFilterIds();

Get list of available ColdState ids.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a ModuleState element in the service configuration file.
  • returns: List of ColdStateGroup ids.


Retrieves filter identifiers selected in the FEWS Explorer

  • returns: String array holding the identifiers of the selected filters
Code Block

String[] getSelectedLocationIds();

Retrieves location identifiers selected in the FEWS Explorer

  • returns: String array holding the identifiers of the selected locations
Code Block

String[] getSelectedParameters();

Retrieves parameter identifiers selected in the FEWS Explorer

  • returns: String array holding the identifiers of the selected parameters
Code Block

String getActiveSegmentId();

Retrieves active (selected) segment/node id in the FEWS Explorer Topology panel

  • returns: String identifier to active segement node
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String[] getColdStateIds


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Date[] getAvailableStateTimes(String clientId, String id);

Get available warm state timeslist of available ColdState ids.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a ModuleState element in the service configuration file.
  • returns: Available warm state times for requested ModuleState.List of ColdStateGroup ids.


Code Block
intDate[] getEnsembleMemberIndicesgetAvailableStateTimes(String clientId, String ensembleIdid);

Get available warm state times.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a ModuleState element in the service configuration file.
  • returns: Available warm state times for requested ModuleState.
Code Block

int[] getEnsembleMemberIndices(String clientId, String ensembleId);

Get available ensemble member ids.

  • clientId: <id not required>
  • ensembleId: Id of requested ensemble.returns: Available member indices of requested ensemble.Id of requested ensemble.
  • returns: Available member indices of requested ensemble.


Code Block

String getFilters(String piVersion);

Get the configured filter ids from the FEWS system.

  • piVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • returns: String content of a Pi_Filters XML file containing Fews Filters.
Code Block

String getLocations(String clientId, String filterId, String piVersion);

Get location information available for the passed 'filterId' argument.

  • clientId: (Optional) File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD. If not
    provided then no id mapping will be done.
  • filterId: Filter Id. Can be retrieved using the String getFilters(String piVersion) method.
  • piVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • returns: String content of a Pi_Locations XML file containing the locations available for passed filter id.
Code Block

String getParameters(String clientId, String filterId, String piVersion);

Get timeseries parameter information available for the passed 'filterId' argument.

  • clientId: (Optional) File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD. If not provided then no id mapping will be done.
  • filterId: Filter Id. Can be retrieved using the String getFilters(String piVersion) method.
  • piVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • returns: String content of a Pi_TimeSeriesParameters XML file containing the parameters available for passed filter id.
Code Block

String getRatingCurves(String[] ratingCurveIds);

Retrieves rating curves content in PI-rating curve format for selecetd rating curve identifiers

  • ratingCurveIds: String array with lcoation identifiers of the ratings
  • returns: Xml string in Pi_ratyingcurves format holding rating curves
Code Block
String getLogMessages(String clientId, String taskId)


  • clientId: <id not required but can not be null>
  • taskId: Task ID for which to retrieve log messages. Only messages for the last run are returned.
  • returns: String containing the log messages in the format defined by the PI Diag XSD
Code Block

byte[] getModuleDataSet(String clientId, String id, String ensembleId, int ensembleMemberIndex)

Get a module data set.

  • returned.
  • returns: String containing the log messages in the format defined by the PI Diag XSD
  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a ModuleDataSet element in the service configuration file.
  • ensembleId: <currently not supported>
  • ensembleMemberIndex: <currently not supported>
  • returns: Binary content of the ModuleDataSet file for requested ModuleState.
Code Block
byte[] getModuleParameterSetgetModuleDataSet(String clientId, String id, String ensembleId, int ensembleMemberIndex)

Get a module parameter data set.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a ModuleParameterSet ModuleDataSet element in the service configuration file.
  • ensembleId: <currently not supported>
  • ensembleMemberIndex: <currently not supported>
  • returns: String Binary content of the ModuleParameterSet ModuleDataSet file for requested ModuleState.
Code Block
byte[] getModuleStateBinarygetModuleParameterSet(String clientId, String id, Date stateTime, String ensembleId, int ensembleMemberIndex);

Get a cold state filemodule parameter set.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a ModuleState ModuleParameterSet element in the service configuration file.
  • stateTime: Time for which to retrieve warm state file. Time values can be obtained from method #getAvailableStateTimes
  • ensembleId: <currently not supported>
  • ensembleMemberIndex: <currently not supported>
  • returns: String content of the ModuleParameterSet file for requested ModuleState.
Code Block
Stringbyte[] getTimeSeriesHeadersgetModuleStateBinary(String clientId, String id, String taskId, Date startTimestateTime,
		Date timeZero, Date endTime, String[] parameterIds, String[] locationIds, String ensembleId, int ensembleMemberIndex,
		boolean thresholdsVisible);

Get the header information for requested timeseriesa cold state file.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a TimeSeries ModuleState element in the service configuration file.
  • taskId: <id not required however can not be null>
  • startTime: Start date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • timeZero: Forecast time zero.
  • endTime: End date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • parameterIds: Subset of parameter IDs stateTime: Time for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • locationIds: Subset of location IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • ensembleId: Id of the ensemble, can be null.
  • ensembleMemberIndex Ensemble member index for this time series. (Only if configured)
  • thresholdsVisible: (Optional) Option to add threshold values in the header if set to TRUE. Default is FALSE
  • returns: String content of a PiTimeseries XML file only containing header information.
  • warm state file. Time values can be obtained from method #getAvailableStateTimes
  • ensembleId: <currently not supported>
  • ensembleMemberIndex: <currently not supported>
Code Block
String getTimeSeriesgetTimeSeriesHeaders(String clientId, String id, String taskId, Date startTime,
		Date timeZero, Date endTime, String[] parameterIds, String[] locationIds, String ensembleId, int ensembleMemberIndex,
		boolean thresholdsVisible);

Get the header and data information for requested timeseries.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a TimeSeries element in the service configuration file.
  • taskId: <id not required however can not be null>
  • startTime: Start date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • timeZero: Forecast time zero.
  • endTime: End date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • parameterIds: Subset of parmater parameter IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • locationIds: Subset of location IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • ensembleId: Id of the ensemble, can be null.
  • ensembleMemberIndex Ensemble member index for this time series. (Only if configured)
  • thresholdsVisible: (Optional) Option to add threshold values in the header if set to TRUE. Default is FALSE
  • returns: String content of a PiTimeseries XML file only containing header information.
Code Block
byte[]String getTimeSeriesBytesgetTimeSeries(String clientId, String id, String taskId, Date startTime,
		Date timeZero, Date endTime,&nbsp; String[] parameterIds, String[] locationIds,
                String ensembleId, int ensembleMemberIndex,
		boolean thresholdsVisible);

Get binary header and data for requested timeseries.

  • clientId: File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a TimeSeries element in the service configuration file.
  • taskId: <id not required however can not be null>
  • startTime: Start date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • timeZero: Forecast time zero.
  • endTime: End date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • parameterIds: Subset of parameter parmater IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • locationIds: Subset of location IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • ensembleId: Id of the ensemble, can be null.
  • ensembleMemberIndex Ensemble member index for this time series. (Only if configured)
  • thresholdsVisible: (Optional) Option to add threshold values in the header if set to TRUE. Default is FALSE
  • returns: String content of a PiTimeseries XML filereturns: Content of the binary file that can be exported together with the PITimeseries XML files.
Code Block
Stringbyte[] getTimeSeriesHeadersForFiltergetTimeSeriesBytes(String clientId, String id, String taskId, Date startTime, ,
		Date timeZero, Date endTime, &nbsp;String[] filterIdparameterIds, String[] locationIds, String[] parameterIds, boolean useDisplayUnits, String piVersion
                String ensembleId, int ensembleMemberIndex);

Get the header information binary data for requested timeseries using a filter id.

  • clientId: (Optional) File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD. If not
    provided then no id mapping will be done.
  • id: Reference to the ID of a TimeSeries element in the service configuration file.
  • taskId: <id not required however can not be null>
  • startTime: Start date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • timeZero: Forecast time zero.
  • endTime: End date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • filterId: Filter Id. Can be retrieved using the String getFilters(String piVersion) method.
  • locationIds: Subset of location parameterIds: Subset of parameter IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.parameterIds
  • locationIds: Subset of parameter location IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • useDisplayUnits: (Optional) Option to export values using display units (TRUE) instead of database units (FALSE).
  • piVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • ensembleId: Id of the ensemble, can be null.
  • ensembleMemberIndex Ensemble member index for this time series. (Only if configured)
  • returns: Content of the binary file that can be exported together with the PITimeseries XML filesreturns: String content of a Pi_Timeseries XML file only containing header information.
Code Block
String getTimeSeriesForFiltergetTimeSeriesHeadersForFilter(String clientId, Date startTime, Date timeZero, Date endTime, String filterId, String[] locationIds, String[] parameterIds, boolean convertDatum, boolean useDisplayUnits, String piVersion);

Get the timeseries data header information for requested timeseries using a filter id.

  • clientId: (Optional) File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD. If not
    provided then no id mapping will be done.
  • startTime: Start date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • timeZero: Forecast time zero.
  • endTime: End date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • filterId: Filter Id. Can be retrieved using the String getFilters(String piVersion) method.
  • locationIds: Subset of location IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • parameterIds: Subset of parameter IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • convertDatum: Option to convert values from relative to location height to absolute values (TRUE). If FALSE values remain relative.
  • useDisplayUnits: useDisplayUnits: (Optional) Option to export values using display units (TRUE) instead of database units (FALSE).
  • piVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • returns: String content of a Pi_Timeseries XML file only containing header information.
Code Block

String getFilters(String piVersion);


  • of database units (FALSE).
  • piVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • returns: String content of a Pi_Filters Timeseries XML file only containing Fews Filtersheader information.
Code Block
String getLocationsgetTimeSeriesForFilter(String clientId, Date startTime, Date timeZero, Date endTime, String filterId, String[] locationIds, String[] parameterIds, boolean convertDatum, boolean useDisplayUnits, String piVersion);

Get location information available for the passed 'filterId' argumentthe timeseries data for requested timeseries using a filter id.

  • clientId: (Optional) File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD. If not
    provided then no id mapping will be done.. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD. If not
    provided then no id mapping will be done.
  • startTime: Start date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • timeZero: Forecast time zero.
  • endTime: End date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • filterId: Filter Id. Can be retrieved using the String getFilters(String piVersion) method.
  • locationIds: Subset of location IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • parameterIds: Subset of parameter IDs for which to retrieve timeseries.
  • convertDatum: Option to convert values from relative to location height to absolute values (TRUE). If FALSE values remain relative.
  • useDisplayUnits: Option to export values using display units (TRUE) instead of database units (FALSE).
  • piVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • returns: String content of a Pi_Locations Timeseries XML file containing the locations available for passed filter idonly containing header information.
Code Block
String getParametersgetTimeSeriesForSegment(String clientIdsegmentId, String clientId, Date timeZero, Date startTime, StringDate filterIdendTime, Stringboolean piVersionthresholdsVisible);

Get the timeseries parameter information available for the passed 'filterId' argumentdata for requested timeseries using a filter id.

  • clientId: (Optional) File name of service configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles'. This file is an instance of the FewsPiServiceConfig XSD. If not provided then no id mapping will be done.
  • filterId: Filter Id. Can be retrieved using the String getFilters(String piVersion) method.
  • timeZero: Forecast time zero.
  • segmentId: identifier of the segment node
  • startTime: Start date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • endTime: End date/time of run - Long.MAXVALUE if the configured default is to be used
  • threhsoldsVisisble: Option to include (TRUE) or exclude (FALSE) thresholds in the time series headers. Default is FALSEpiVersion: (Optional) Pi Version for the return file. Defaults to the latest PI version.
  • returns: String content of a Pi_TimeSeriesParameters Timeseries XML file containing the parameters available for passed filter id.all timeseries including headers for this segemnt
Client datasets
Code Block
String[] getAllNodesWithDataset();
