Versions Compared


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The Fews PI service data exchange uses XFire, a java SOAP framework. This framework allows a client application to obtain a proxy instance to the FewsPiService API. With this API the client can retrieve data from an OC or write data to an OC. Before a client application can access the FEWS system there is some configuration work that needs to be done.

(warning)  User User's looking to use XFire on a new project, should use CXF instead. CXF is a continuation of the XFire project and is considered XFire 2.0. It has many new features, a ton of bug fixes, and is now JAX-WS compliant! XFire will continue to be maintained through bug fix releases, but most development will occur on CXF now. For more information see the XFire/Celtix merge FAQ and the CXF website.


  • clientId: File name of client configuration file located in the OC configuration directory 'PiClientConfigFiles'. This file is free format and content is only read only read by client application. Only requirement is that content is text based.
  • fileExtension: Extension of client file.
  • returns: Text file containing client configuration.


  • clientId: <not required>
  • taskId: Id of task run. Returned by callingmethod #runTask.
  • waitMillis: Wait time in milli seconds.
  • returns: TRUE if task run completes successfully, else FALSE

Conversion methods

Code Block

float[] convertToDisplayUnitValue(String parameterId, float[] value);

Converts parameter values from base unit to display unit

  • parameterId: Parameter identifier, used to trace down the associated base unit as well as the display unit
  • value: array of values to be converted
  • returns: Array of converted values (floats)
Code Block

float []inverseConvertToDisplayUnitValue(String parameterId, float[] value);

Converts parameter values from display unit to base unit

  • parameterId: Parameter identifier, used to trace down the associated base unit as well as the display unit
  • value: array of values to be converted
  • returns: Array of converted values (floats)
Code Block

float[] convertStageToDischarge(float[] stages, String locationId, long time);

Converts stage value to discharge using a rating curve at a specific location valid for a particular moment in time

  • locationId: Identifier of the rating cruve location
  • time: time for which the rating curve should be valid
  • stages: array of stages to be converted to discharge
  • returns: array of values respresenting discharges
Code Block

float[] convertDischargeToStage(float[] discharges, String locationId, long time);

Converts discharge value to stage using a rating curve at a specific location valid for a particular moment in time

  • locationId: Identifier of the rating cruve location
  • time: time for which the rating curve should be valid
  • discharge: array of discharges to be converted to stage
  • returns: array of values respresenting stage

Data management methods for client data sets
