Versions Compared


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  • available functions *
    • max
    • min
    • sum
    • count
    • mean
    • median
    • standardDeviation
    • percentileExceedence
    • percentileNonExceedence
    • quartile
    • skewness
    • kurtosis
    • variance
    • rsquared
    • rootMeanSquareError
  • isBlockFunction:* *if true, the statistical parameters are calculated for each time window defined by the time step of the output time series, e.g. time step year leads to yearly statistical parameters. If false and output time series time step is set to nonequidistant, the statistical parameters are calculated for the relative view period (one value for the whole period) or for the individual season if applied.
  • inputVariableId
  • outputVariableId
  • value: if function percentileExceedence or percentileNonExceedence is chosen, the desired percentile has to be defined, e.g. 75-th percentile => value="75"
  • ignoreMissing: if true, all missings of the input time series are not taken into account in the statistical calculation.
  • seasonal: this option is only relevant when using seasons. If true (default), then one result value per season per year is returned. If false, then for each season only one (combined) result value is returned. For example when seasonal is false, the month January is specified as a season, the input time series contains data for a period of ten years and the function max is specified, then the result will be the maximum of all values in January in all ten years. Note: if a specific season (e.g. January 2006) is not fully contained within the input time series, then this specific season is not used in the calculations. For example if the month January is specified as a season and the input time series contains only data from 15 January 2006 to 1 March 2008, then only January 2007 and January 2008 will be used in the calculations. In this case January 2006 will not be used in the calculations.
