Versions Compared


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  • clientId: <not required>
  • taskId: Id of task run. Returned by callingmethod #runTask.
  • waitMillis: Wait time in milli seconds.
  • returns: TRUE if task run completes successfully, else FALSE


Installing a PI Service Client

Setting up a PI Service Client requires the following actions:

  • Install an OC or SA.
  • Select an available port number on which the service will be listening.
  • Configure a FewsPiServiceCofig file for the OC/SA region.

PI Service configuration

The Pi Service configuration files are located in the directory 'PiServiceConfigFiles' of the region configuration. These files link the IDs know by the client applications to FEWS data, such as TimeSeries, States, ModuleDataSets and ModuleParameterSets.


If a client application requires an application specific configuration file then this file must be configured in the directory ' PiClientConfigFiles' of the region configuration. This file is free format (text) and can be obtained from the API by calling #getClientConfigFile.

Initializing PI Service in Explorer config

The FEWS system does not automatically start up the PI service listener environment. This needs to be configured in the Explorer configuration file located in the directory 'SystemConfigFiles' of the region configuration. To do this the following line must be entered at the end of Explorer configuration file:
