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h1. Group 4: Benchmarks generated by the program itself

This section contains tests for which the reference results are generated with *D-FLOW SLIDE*.

h2. 4.1 Test on the level indicator

h5. Description

To check that the level indicator is correctly inputted in *D-FLOW SLIDE*, the results of the two following calculations should lead to the same results:
* Benchmark 4-1a uses the same input as benchmark 1-1a, refer to paragraph 1.1 above.
* Benchmark 4-1b uses the same input as benchmark 4-1a except that the Y coordinates of the geometry are shifted by \-20 m so that all points have a negative Y coordinate.

h2. 4.2 Test on the units

h5. Description

In the Units tab of *D-FLOW SLIDE*, it is possible to specify the unit of different parameters:
* Fraction: \-, %, ^o^/~oo~ or ppm
* Length: m, mm, cm, inch, ft or km
* Tiny length: xxxm
* Angle: deg, rad, grad, tan or cot
* Weigth: kN/m{^}3^, N/m{^}3^, lb/in{^}3^, MN/m{^}3^, lb/ft{^}3^
* Pressure: kN/m{^}2^, N/m{^}2^, Pa, kPa, MPa, kN/cm{^}2^, psi
* Permeability: m/s, m/min, m/hr, m/day

To test the correctness of the convertion , 7 benchmarks are created using the following set of units:
|| Benchmark name || Fraction unit || Length unit || Tiny length unit || Angle unit || Weigth unit || Pressure unit || Permeability unit ||
| bm4-2a | -  | m | xxxm | deg | kN/m{^}3^ | kN/m{^}2^ | m/s |
| bm4-2b | % | mm | xxxm | rad | N/m{^}3^ | N/m{^}2^ | m/min |
| bm4-2c | ^o^/~oo~ | cm | xxxm | grad | lb/in{^}3^ | Pa | m/hr |
| bm4-2d | ppm | inch | xxxm | tan | MN/m{^}3^ | kPa | m/day |
| bm4-2e | -  | ft | xxxm | cot | lb/ft{^}3^ | MPa | m/s |
| bm4-2f | -  | km | xxxm | deg | kN/m{^}3^ | kN/cm{^}2^ | m/s |
| bm4-2g | -  | m | xxxm | deg | kN/m{^}3^ | psi | m/s |