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h3.Each megasite is unique
After the group of stakeholders (GOS) has been formed, it should start working towards reaching a consensus on the objectives for potential management scenarios. Therefore, the set of stakeholder objectives should be identified and elaborated on this stage. 
Generic and site-specific boundary conditions play a crucial role in this decision-making process. 
Below, the procedures are provided for identifying and gathering all relevant boundary conditions and for using this information in a megasite context.
The following boundary conditions should be considered:
# Legislative framework,
# Sustainability (the social factors and the public interest, environmental factors, balance of financial resources and costs).

A careful consideration of all the above mentioned factors will allow the megasite manager, together with the GOS, to develop the most beneficial approach towards the management of the site and derive stakeholder objectives (see figure below).
The legislative framework therefore is primarily addressed as a basic boundary condition and sustainability factors are consequently derived taking into account the legislative constraints.
At this stage of the IMS, an overview of the major regulations influencing decision-making on management priorities is required, but an evaluation of all available legislative constraints relevant for the site is not expected. Similarly, the societal and environmental benefits of site re-development do not need to be addressed in detail, but there should be a general overview of advantages and disadvantages of the anticipated megasite management scenarios. At a later stage, when management scenarios are further developed and extensive discussions with the stakeholders are scheduled, these issues should be explored and evaluated comprehensively.


An overview of boundary conditions that are generally important for megasites is presented. It should help the megasite manager to extract the most relevant ones for the specific megasite and consequently take them into account while going through the next IMS steps.