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h2. Content

h3. Problem Definition

Bitterfeld is a small town in the industrial area in Germany between Dresden & Berlin. The contamination situation at the Bitterfeld megasite is related to the industrial development of the area, which began more than 100 years ago and resulted in three main industries:
* open-cast lignite mining
* production of energy
* chemical industries.

Up to 1990, in an area covering about 10 km2, more than 5,000 different products and compounds were produced.
The chemical production and the disposal of chemical waste in abandoned open-cast lignite mines lead to a large-scale soil and groundwater contamination, estimated at about 100 million cubic meter of contaminated water. The first comprehensive remediation framework concept for Bitterfeld was completed in 1994. The complete decontamination is technically and economically not feasible. The stepwise approach of the IMS leads to a feasible scenario where risk reduction and costs are optimized. Final decisions about the implementation of the plans still have to be made.

h5. Checklist of existing information

|| Information || Bitterfeld ||
| Megasite area \\
Impact area  \\ | 25 km{^}2^ \\
50-100 km{^}2^ |
| Land use (maps | General topographic map \\
(former) chemical production facilities surrounded by residential \\
areas of Bitterfeld, Wolfen, Jeznitz, Greppin and agriculture/nature \\
reserves;landscape and hydrology determined by flooded open pit \\
lignite mines |
| Documents from involved \\
stakeholders and other institutions \\ | Bitterfeld database, geological model UFZ, data of LMBV \\ |
| Historical timeframe \\
(use/production) \\ | Chemical production, lignite mining and chemical waste landfilling \\
originating from 1900 and since 1940 focus on chlorinated hydrocarbons \\
and pesticides \\ |
| Range of substances produced/ \\
used/present in soil and groundwater | Chlorinated and non-chlorinated organics, to some extent heavy \\
metals in groundwater \\ |
| Potential sources (existing landfills, etc.) \\ | Land-fill and high concentration groundwater damage represent four km{^}2^  \\
hotspot source areas, in Quarternary and Tertiary aquifers. Lower \\
groundwater concentration areas surround these hotspots |
| Potential receptors (residential areas, \\
protected areas, rivers, etc.) \\ | Land use /topographic maps \\
River Mulde and tributaries (Spittelwasser, Fuhneau) \\
Flooded open pit mine Goitsche \\
Quaternary / Tertiary aquifers \\
Residential areas of Bitterfeld, Greppin etc. \\ |
| Predominant stakeholders \\ | LAF, MDSE, Municipalities of Bitterfeld, Wolfen, LAWA, Bitterfeld Chemie AG \\ |
The deliverables of the case-study of Bitterfeld can be downloaded under Workpackage 3 in the 'About' part of the IMS: About->Deliverables.

h3. Organizing Stakeholders

h5. Stakeholder organization structure for Bitterfeld megasite


h5. Stakeholders for Bitterfeld megasite

|| Stakeholder type || Organization || Function ||
| Problem owner | MDSE (Remediation and Disposal Company) | Problem owner of the contamination problem |
| Problem owner\\ | CLMBV (Mining Management Company) | Problem owner of the redevelopment of the mining area. |
| Problem owner | District authority Bitterfeld - Wolfen | Problem owner of local contaminations within the risk management zone |
| Problem owner | Municipalities of Bitterfeld, Greppin, Wolfen | Problem owner of local contaminations within the risk management zone (residential areas) |
| Problem owner\\ | LAF (State authority for exemption from residual pollution responsibility) \\ | Supreme Soil Agency\\ |
| Responsible authorities | MRLU (Ministry of Regional Policy, Agriculture and Environment) | Supreme Environmental Agency (at the same time regulatory authority for the LAF) |
| Responsible authorities | Regional authority Dessau | Responsible superior water authority, also superior authority for emission protection, waste and business supervisor |
| Responsible authorities | District authority Bitterfeld - Wolfen | Responsible authority related to safety and order (also lower water authority). |
| Responsible authorities | Municipalities of Bitterfeld, Greppin, Wolfen | Local authority for safety and order (at the same time representative of the local public) |
| Responsible authorities | Mining Agency | Responsible permission authority for mining plans. |
| Responsible authorities | State Agency of Environmental Protection | Technical authority of the MRLU (Ministry of Regional Policy, Agriculture and Environment) |
| Financiers | LAF (State authority for exemption from residual pollution responsibility) | Fund management for cases of exemption from residual pollution responsibility (also Supreme Soil Agency) |
| Financiers | MW (Ministry of Economy and labour of the state of Saxony-Anhalt) | Responsible member of the management and budget board that regulates the financing for the mining redevelopment projects (also Supreme Mining Agency) |
| Financiers | FUB (Budjet Planning and Consulting Society) | Responsible for contract management of privatization, manager of federal promotion funds for site development |
| Financiers | Site developer CPG (Chemie Park GmbH) | Private company for improvement of the infrastructure and to facilitate private investment |
| Local Public | Municipalities of Bitterfeld, Greppin, Wolfen | The local public is represented by the municipalities, there are no organizations of affected people |
| Project manager | GICON (consulting company) | Responsible concept developer for the regional remediation concept (Master plan), responsible party for data and information transfer |
| Project manager | MDSE (Remediation and Disposal Company ) | Responsible party for investigation and realization of remediation and safety measures |
| Consultants | Different private companies for special tasks | Various |