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h3. Repositories

The system consists of 4 repositories:

- [] (All public openda components) \-> public
- [] (All private openda components) \-> deltares
- [] (Fews specific components, for running openda inside fews) \-> fews
- [] (Integration of PCRaster Jep and other the model schematization) \-> openstreams_2013

h3. Building

h4. *Building jep and pcraster*

GENERAL: Run all the scripts in directory software and extract
cd software/jdk
     . (this will open the website of Oracle from where you can download JDK7)
     download jdk7 directly from the website
     tar \-xvf jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz
     set environment variable JAVA_HOME to $DRIHMDirectory/software/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45
     add JAVA_HOME to PATH
     cd -

cd software/ant
     set environment variable ANT_HOME to $DRIHMDirectory/software/ant/apache-ant-1.9.2/
     add ANT_HOME to PATH
     cd -

cd software/pcraster
     run svn revert \--depth=infinity pcraster-4.0.0-beta-20131030_x86-64_lsbcc-4
     cd -

cd software/jep
     (We already checked in a version of jep 3.1.0 because we fixed a dependency)
     cd \-    

cd software/python
     run: ./
     click ENTER
     click q
     set path where python should be installed, e.g. $DRIHMpath/software/python/anaconda
     cd anaconda/bin
     ./pip install ../../../jep/jep-3.1.0
     cd ../../../

h4. Building OpenDA
cd public
     ant build
     cd -

cd deltares
     ant build
     cd -

cd fews
     ant build
     cd -

h3. Configuration
1. Prepare OpenDA:
- go to openda/fews/bin
- run "."
- run ". linux"

2. Prepare other environment variables:
- go to openstreams_2013/provisioning
- set PYTHONPATH in "" to PCRASTER/python and to the path of "wflow_bin" of your case 
- run "."

3. Run the Ourthe case:
- go to openstreams_2013\cases\ourthe_case\Modules\OpenStreams\OurtheCase_hbv\
- Fix the paths in run_info.xml, states/states_in.xml
- run "."


NOTE (Julius' experience on going through the above mentioned steps on a machine with Ubuntu_13_10_64bit):

\- TRIAL1: jep.JepException: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: /home/sumihar/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUnicodeEscapeString
&nbsp;&nbsp; ==> It may happen that older installations of certain software are already available in e.g. \~./local directory. Make sure that only those in directory 'software' are used in running the test. Here, I simply removed directory \~/.local
\- TRIAL2: jep.JepException: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
   ==> solved by reinstalling package libjpeg62: sudo apt-get install libjpeg62
\- TRIAL3: jep.JepException: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>: lookupscalar: :ERROR: /home/sumihar/openstreams_2013/cases/ourthe_case/Modules/OpenStreams/OurtheCase_hbv//intbl/MaxLeakage.tbl: while parsing lookuptable '/home/sumihar/openstreams_2013/cases/ourthe_case/Modules/OpenStreams/OurtheCase_hbv//intbl/MaxLeakage.tbl'
&nbsp;line '1' column '4':
&nbsp; read '0.0' expected one of '\[<' or a number
   ==> Still unsolved.
   ==> Nevertheless, on 05-Dec-2013 Bert created a complete package with the existing software. In the package, a is included, so that user does not have to install libjpeg62 in their machine. The package has been tested on Bert's and DRIHM partner's (Ljiljana, Serbia) machines. It simply works there.
   ==> The same package was tested on 18-Dec-2013 on the H4. It failed with the following error message on openda_logfile.txt:&nbsp;
       Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: WflowPythonToJavaAdapter: exception during call to python code. Message was: jep.JepException: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by /u/sumihar/DRIHM/checkPurpose/bert_package/work/openstreams_2013/software/pcraster/pcraster-4.0.0-beta-20131030_x86-64_lsbcc-4/python/pcraster/../../lib/../lib/
