Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • value : Required value for each step in the profile
  • Wiki Markup
    *monthDay* : Attribute value indicating the value entered is valid for a month/day combination. The year value is added depending on the year value in which it is used. The string has the format "\--\[month\]-\[day\]". For example the 23^rd^23^rd\^ of August is "--08-23".
  • Wiki Markup
    *dateTime* : Attribute value indicating the value entered is valid for a specific date time combination. The string has the format "\[year\]-\[month\]-\[day\]T\[hour\]:\[minute\]:\[second\]". For example the 23^rd\^ of August is "1984-12-31T00:00:00".
  • Wiki Markup
    *time* : Attribute value indicating the value entered is valid for a specific time, irrespective of the date. The date value is added run time. The string has the format "\[hour\]:\[minute\]:\[second\]". For example "01:15:00".
