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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin



Logs mesage with event code when file or url content is updated


Logs mesage with event code when file or url content is updated

Module Name:


Where to Use?

In a workflow

Why to Use?

To check file or url content is updated so a new task can be run


The ContentUpdateChecker is a module that can be used at the start of a workflow to see if new data is available so other tasks can be run.


File or url should return plain text from which the first line dynamically changes


Log message with event code and content when new content is found, debug message when no new content is found








2013.01, 2014.01 and onwards


Table of Contents


The ContentUpdateChecker is a module that can be used at the start of a workflow to see if new data content is available from either a file or url. If so a log message with event code and + the new data when new content is foundlogged, a debug message is logged when no new content is found. In case an empty file is found, the last modification date will be used as content in date format: 'yyyyMMddHHmmss'.


A configuration example of the content update checker is given below:

Code Block
titleConfiguration for url

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<contentUpdateChecker xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http">
	<messagePrefix> New data for hirlam meteo for T0: </messagePrefix>
	<interval unit="second"/>
	<timeout unit="minute"/>

Sample input and output

Sample input and output

Error and warning messages

Known issues

Technical reference

The URL can be protected by authentication, the parser can supply username and password configured in the import together with the base URL (escape & in xml by using & ):

No Format

Code Block
titleConfiguration for file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<contentUpdateChecker xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<messagePrefix> New data for hirlam meteo for T0: </messagePrefix>
	<interval unit="second"/>
	<timeout unit="minute"/>

Optional elements

<interval unit="second"/>
Amount of time to wait between checks for new content, when absent content will checked continuously.

<timeout unit="minute"/>
Total amount of time there must be checked and rechecked for new content, when absent it will do no rechecking which means only once.

This option makes sure there will not be checked for newer content after new content is found.

Pattern which determines whether content should be ignored as new. * can be used as wildcard.
*XXX means ends with XXX
XXX* means starts with XXX
*XXX* means contains XXX
when no * is present the content should match exactly in order to be ignored.

Sample input and output

A url returning a timestamp as plain text of most recent available data in format yyyyMMddHHmm, will result in the following logging.

When the event code has not been logged before:

11-07-2014 09:54:51 DEBUG - No logging of event code HirlamMeteo.NewContent because data still equals: 201407110600
11-07-2014 09:54:47 DEBUG - No logging of event code HirlamMeteo.NewContent because data still equals: 201407110600
11-07-2014 09:54:45 INFO - HirlamMeteo.NewContent: New data for hirlam meteo for T0: $$201407110600
11-07-2014 09:54:44 DEBUG - No content found in database for event code: HirlamMeteo.NewContent

When the event code has been logged before and content is still the same:

11-07-2014 09:51:50 DEBUG - No logging of event code HirlamMeteo.NewData because data still equals: 201407110600
11-07-2014 09:51:49 DEBUG - No logging of event code HirlamMeteo.NewData because data still equals: 201407110600
11-07-2014 09:51:48 DEBUG - Most recent content in database: 201407110600 for event code: HirlamMeteo.NewData

Technical reference

Link to schema:


Entry in moduleDescriptors:


Link to schema:



