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Adrian Harper, Wallingford Software (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (, DHI (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)
Unknown User (don), Deltares (

Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (
~don, Deltares (

1 Informations from the OAEC meeting (Standa)


  • Stef/Jesper: check SDK (See ch. 5)
  • Stef: Create tags fixing C# and java release version of the Standard
    (warning) Everone: remove depricated branches


    to be removed by






    Jan Gregersen

    - (thumbs up)



    - (thumbs up)

    ? *extendable


    - ?




Web sites

Standa: arrange wiki, i.e.:

  • (thumbs up) remove Dashboard > OpenMI 2.0 doc
  • (thumbs up) rename Review page to OpenMI 2.0 page ( Standa (warning) : add reference to this page from (thumbs up) Done)
  • etc. (adjust related texts)
    Pages not yet referenced from, will be done when standard is formally released.


1.3 OpenMI 2.0 at conferences, workshops etc.

Integrated Environmental Modelling Summit USGS

  • 7-9 December 2010 at USGS Offices in Washington
  • A few OAEC / OATC representatives present, surely OpenMI 2.0 will be mentioned.

OpenWater Interoperability Symposium at IHE-Unesco

  • 20./21. April 2011 at IHE Unesco in Delft
  • OAEC suggested that someone from OATC should present 2.0
    (thumbs up) One of the Dutch OATC-members indeed will give a talk.

EGU 2011

2. Roadmap to OpenMI 2.0 as suggested by Standa




task for


Incorporate text on Standard Extensions in OpenMI Standard2 interface specification



Done (SH): review (PS) done; changes still highlighted

OpenMI Standard2 Reference manual

when source code will be stabilized

SV -

Will be done in week 47

Migrating models



Will clean up the document and check it (JGr>SV>JGr>Steve). Will be done in week 47

Maybe (question) maybe change the names for OpenMI Standard2 interface specification and OpenMI Standard2 Reference manual ?
(thumbs up) They will be called OpenMI Standard 2 Specification and OpenMI Standard 2 References ((warning) action: Peter )

2.2. How to



task for


How to link models with different grids (spatial mapping)

small changes, but add reference to new unit test on Groundwater/OpenWater in SDK

Peter (starting nov. 12thweek 46/47)


How to upgrade from version 1.4 IEngine

Did it work now? Will be included to the official release?
– or put it to the pages later?


OK. Question of Sobek migrator: why discourage LinkableGetSetEngine? Answer: too much like the old approach. (warning) Stef will suggest small text changes

time-dependent / time-independent mixing

how to mix time-dependent and time-ignorant model components


Will be done later (not needed before releasing 2.0)






Update copyright notice

Add year 2010 to the OpenMI copyright header in all source files

Java updates done: Rob.
SDK done: Stef Al C# sources done now

(thumbs up) All existing headers adjusted, headers added to new files

Adapted output factorty factory providers

Check Specification document and code comments on the limitation of only asking the adaptee's component for adapted output factorties factories

action: SH

(thumbs up) Done (text adjusted on two places)

<new issue>


<status: open>


4. GUI

The Pipistrelle based GUI will be in a Fluid Earth (most probably) source forge project, which starts in January.
We will keep the GUI in, but indeed with a readme.txt indicating its incomplete state. (warning) Adrian: create readme.txt and nention the GUI's state and purpose on the wiki pages.

5. SDK

Work is being done on the SDK, following the work of migrating existing engines.


  • Example of how one input can handle multiple outputs are implemented/tested. Check out:
    (warning) Everyone: have a look at the MultiInputSupport in the next two weeks.
    Stef had a look. We keep it in. Jesper will try to answer as many of the todo's/questions in the code as possible, and mention that the GUI-code will later on be adjusted to show how the multiple input works.

A project plan is probably required in the near future (when the standard is released), in order to have the SDK move in a proper direction.
(warning) Jesper and Stef will look at the SDK, clarify things were possible, and report what in their opinion still has to be done (next two weeks)


Suggestion: Use the Trac wiki at sourceforge to keep track of tasks, feature requests, bugs, enhancements etc. and also discussions that covers many meetings.
Check out:
You need to log in (using your source-forge username/password) in order to get full access (to edit wiki/create tickets)
(thumbs up) We will use it.

(question) Experiences?

7. Next Meeting

Skype session: dec. 2nd, ...10:00-11:O0 CET (9:00-10:00 UTC)