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Model for 1D/2D wave propagation, sediment transport and morphological changes


  • Go to the directory where your source code is avalaible
  • Update the source code with command:
Code Block
 svnupdatesvn update 
  • Clean up your directory by typing:
Code Block
 make distcleanclean 
  • In here build a Makefile with the command:


  • type ./configure --help for detailed options; i.e to build mpi executable you can use one of the following commands:
Code Block

FC=gfortran44 ./configure --with-mpi
FC=gfortran44 MPIFC=/opt/mpich2-1.0.8-gcc44-x86_64/bin/mpif90 ./configure --with-mpi 
  • You can also use the gfortan44 compiler to build a Makefile with netcdf output:
Code Block
 FC=gfortran44 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/netcdf-4.1.1/gfortran/lib/pkgconfig  ./configure --with-netcdf 
  • Or both:
Code Block
 FC=gfortran44 MPIFC=/opt/mpich2-1.0.8-gcc44-x86_64/bin/mpif90 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/netcdf-4.1.1/gfortran/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --with-netcdf --with-mpi 
  • Build you XBeach executable by running you make file and typing:


Code Block
### ********************************************************************
### ********************************************************************
### **                                                                **
### **  Example shell script to run XBeach executable in parallel     **
### **  with MPICH2 via SGE on linux cluster.                         **
### **  c 2009 Deltares                                               **
### **  author: Menno Genseberger                                     **
### **  Changes: Leroy van Logchem 24 Nov 2010                        **
### **  -- Use tight integrated mpich2 PE. Requires secret file:      **
### **     ~/.mpd.conf                                                **
### **     secretword=mys3cret                                        **
### **                                                                **
### ********************************************************************
### ********************************************************************
### The next line species the shell "/bin/sh" to be used for the execute
### of this script.
### The "-cwd" requests execution of this script from the current
### working directory; without this, the job would be started from the
### user's home directory.
#$ -cwd
### The name of this SGE job is explicitly set to another name;
### otherwise the name of the SGE script itself would be used. The name
### of the job also determines how the jobs output files will be called. 
#$ -N XB_ZandMotor
### The next phrase asks for a "parallel environment" called "mpich2",
### to be run with 4 slots (for instance 4 cores).
### "mpich2" is a specific name for H3/H4 linux clusters (this name is
### for instance "mpi" on DAS-2/DAS-3 linux clusters).
#$ -pe distrib 3

### Start SGE.
. /opt/sge/InitSGE

### Code compiled with Intel 11.0 compiler.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/081/lib/ia32:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

### Specific setting for H3/H4 linuxclusters, needed for MPICH2
### commands (mpdboot, mpirun, mpiexed, mpdallexit etc.).
export PATH="/opt/mpich2/bin:${PATH}"

cp $xbeach_bin_dir/xbeach xbeach.usedexe

### Some general information available via SGE. Note that NHOSTS can be
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Parallel run of XBeach with MPICH2 on H4 linuxcluster.
echo NHOSTS       : $NHOSTS
echo NQUEUES      : $NQUEUES
echo NSLOTS       : $NSLOTS

echo Contents of auto generated machinefile:
cat $TMPDIR/machines

echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------

### General, start XBeach in parallel by means of mpirun.
mpirun -np $NSLOTS $xbeach_bin_dir/xbeach >> output_xbeach_mpi 2>&1

### General for MPICH2, finish your MPICH2 communication network.


Note for Jaap and Jamie type "mpd &" and follow instructions:

Code Block

cn $HOME
touch .mpd.conf
chmod 600 .mpd.configconf

Now edit the .mpd.config file and add the text:
