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Config group





Defines the main display and configures system settings

schema location


Table of Contents



Locations in the map by default are labeled with the ID, or the name or description of the location (configured in locations.xml or locationSets.xml). To specify the ID, name or description of the location, the following tags could be used: %ID%, %NAME%, and %DESCRIPTION%. In LocationSets.xml (for EsriShapeFile or CSVFile) it is also possible to replace or add text to the label, such as location attributes (using @ATTRIBUTE_ID@, Since 2013.02 or csv/dbf columns without defining an attribute with %COLUMN_NAME%), or timeseries related information (%LAST_VALUE%, %LAST_VALUE_TIME%,%FORECAST_START_TIME%, %MAXIMUM_VALUE%, %MAXIMUM_VALUE_TIME%, %MINIMUM_VALUE%, %MINIMUM_VALUE_TIME%). In case of timeseries related information, the label only shows the information for the selected parameter.



Code Block
<label>%NAME% has last value: %LAST_VALUE%</label>


Other uses:

In the Filters.xml there is an additional option to show the last value (within the RelativeViewPeriod): lastValueVisible.



This is by default false, but if it is set to true and the variable showWarningIcons in the FewsExplorer is not set, then the threshold icons in the data viewer are shown. So this is overriden by the user settings.

Zoom extents

setting determines the default value for whether the button for showing threshold icons is selected or not.

When FEWS closes, the current state of the button will be written to the user settings.

The next time FEWS starts, the state of the button will be taken from the user settings and will overrule what is configured in the config.

Zoom extents

The zoom extents is used to The zoom extents is used to define the pre-configured zoom levels that can be selected from the main display.


Figure 9 Elements in the Explorer Tasks section of the Explorer configuration


Main element of each explorer Task. Note that multiple tasks may exist, with the elements below to be defined for each.


  • name name of the task

The various explorerTasks can be organized into sub-menus through the subMenu element

Code Block
<explorerTask name="Graph">
	<predefinedDisplay>time series dialog</predefinedDisplay>
	<accelerator>ctrl G</accelerator>
<subMenu name="Tools">
	<subMenu name="Data">
		<explorerTask name="Interval statistieken">
			<predefinedDisplay>interval statistics</predefinedDisplay>
	<subMenu name="Debugging">
		<explorerTask name="Attributes">
			<predefinedDisplay>attribute filter</predefinedDisplay>
		<explorerTask name="Database Lister">
			<predefinedDisplay>time series lister</predefinedDisplay>
		<explorerTask name="Workflow Navigator">
			<predefinedDisplay>workflow navigator</predefinedDisplay>
		<explorerTask name="Tabular config files">
			<predefinedDisplay>tabular config files display</predefinedDisplay>
		</explorerTask>	</subMenu>


Main element of each explorer Task. Note that multiple tasks may exist, with the elements below to be defined for each.


  • name name of the task

Reference to an icon file to be used in the toolbar. If left empty the name will be used to identify the task in the toolbar.

Since 2019.02, the type of the button can be added to the toolbar (Icon or Text). Only the ButtonType (in <toolbarTask>) Icon will use the configured <iconFile>. If left blank, it will show the new, default grey-scale icon provided from the code.

Since 2022.02 all PNG/GIF icons are replaced by SVG icons. PNG/GIF icons are still supported for compatibility reasons but they will become blurry when scaled.

The complete set of new, default, grey-scale icons can be downloaded here. See also the table below in the <predefinedDisplay> section.


Optional shortcut key, note that the shortcut keys only work for tasks in the menu bar (when <menuBarTask> is set to true). Examples of shortcuts: "shift X", "control DELETE", "alt shift X" etc.

A list of accelerator keys and their availability for use can be found here.


Optional name of the permission that is needed to use this task


When double clicked at  a location at the map or in the list, all the explorerTasks with this option set to true are started. The location is selected before the tasks are started, so you can for example start the time series dialog (TSD) and jump to the shortcut chart of the clicked location.

Note 1:
This functionality has been designed before the introduction of docking displays and assumes that each double click opens a new TSD. To be able to open a new TSD (with argument shortcuts), this task should have the option allowMultipleInstances=true. An already opened shortcuts TSD is not able to switch to an another shortcut chart.

Note 2:
a TSD with the argument shortcuts will open to the shortcut chart that is configured in DisplayGroups.xml. By default the first chart that contains the clicked location will open. To open a specific shortcut chart, an ‘explorerLocationId’ can be configured in this shortcut chart and the chart will open if the same location is double clicked at the map or in the list.

An example:
if LocB or LocC is double clicked , TSD will open to "Plot LocB" resp. "Plot LocC". If LocA is double clicked , TSD will open to "Plot LocC" , since this shortcut has <explorerLocationId>LocA</explorerLocationId>

, so you can for example start the time series dialog (TSD) and jump to the shortcut chart of the clicked location.

Specific for TSD with the argument "Shortcuts" :

TSD with the argument "Shortcuts"  will open to the shortcut chart that is configured in DisplayGroups.xml. By default the first chart that contains the clicked location will open. To open a specific shortcut chart, an ‘explorerLocationId’  and/or   ‘explorerfilterId’ can be configured in this shortcut chart and the chart will open if the same location   is double clicked at the map or in the list. If  explorerFilterId  is configured, also the selected filter should match .

If the “Shortcuts” explorerTask has allowMultipleInstances = true,  then every separate double click will open a new “Shortcuts” display.

If allowMultipleInstances = false, then the first double click on location opens the “Shortcuts” and shows the display associated with the location.
Unlock this “Shortcuts” display with lock icon in the toolbar and next double clicks on a location will direct  to an associated display in the already opened “Shortcuts”.

An example:
If  LocA is double clicked ,  TSD will open to "Display 2",    since this display has <explorerLocationId>LocA</explorerLocationId> .

If  LocB is double clicked and the filter ModelA is selected,  TSD will open to "Display 3",    since this display has  <explorerFilterId>ModelA</explorerFilterId> and <explorerLocationId>LocB</explorerLocationId> .

Code Block
Code Block
titleDisplayGroups.xml config with doubleClickLocationEnabled option in explorerTasks (Explorer.xml)
<displayGroup name="Example">
            <display name="PlotDisplay LocA1">
   	         <display name="PlotDisplay LocB2">
             </display>           <plotId>Discharge</plotId>
 	        <display name="PlotDisplay LocC3">


In this field can be configured which windows will be opened by default when the system starts up. This feature can only be used in docking mode.


In the below example for an explorerTask references are made to:

  • %WEB_SERVICE_PORT%, port where the embedded web service is running. This port is also written to the third line in running file in the region home
  • %VJDBC_PORT%, the actual JDBC port number
  • %PORT%, same as VJDBC_PORT
  • %HOSTNAME%, the actual JDBC host, returned as IP adress
  • %REGION_HOME%, internal variable of FEWS: returns the current FEWS application directory
  • %FEWSDIR%, internal variable of FEWS: returns reference to the current FEWS application directory
  • $ART_VERSCHIL_EXE$, a variable from the global properties

    Code Block
    <explorerTask name="Art_Verschil tool">
      <arguments>/VJDBC_HOST=localhost /VJDBC_PORT=@VJDBC_PORT@</arguments>
      <accelerator>ctrl B</accelerator>


With this setting the username and usergroup can be made visible in the FEWS Explorer statusbar (bottom left). By default the userName and userGroup elements are set to false.
Optional field. It gives a warning when a manually scheduled task is close to reaching the last repetition. You need to configure a time span (how much time before the end would you like the warning to appear) and a colour. (The background colour of tasks that are about to expire will change to this colour.)
code example:

Code Block
   <description>Standard date-time format</description>
      <time unit="minute" multiplier="75"/>


Optional field. With this setting a "pause" button will be visible next to the current time in the status bar. Toggle this button to start or stop automatic adjusting of current time. If paused is set to "true", the pause button will be toggled at start-up.


Optional field. Maximal period of time for which the  unacknowledged messages will be searched. Default 2 days. Also used as the initial length of the search period for LogBrowser


When true Locations with a start and end time that does not include system time will be visible with a specific icon (instead of not being visible at all).and end time that does not include system time will be visible with a specific icon (instead of not being visible at all).

An icon with a grey cross means this location does not exist at system time and there is no data available at other times.
This functionality only takes the system time in account to see if the location exists at that time, it is independent of the the filter period.
Image Added
An icon with a black An icon with a grey cross means this location does not exist at system time and but there is no data available at other times.
This functionality only takes the system time in account to see if the location exists at that time, it is independent of the the filter period.
Image Removed
An icon with a black cross means this location does not exist at system time but there is data available at other times.
Image Removed



This section includes additional settings for the FEWS Explorer.

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Figure 11 Elements in the Rest Settings section of the Explorer configuration


Defines the default filter to be selected on starting the fewsExplorer


Default definition of the geographic datum. This is an enumeration of geographic datums supported. As further geographic datums are supported, the list will be expanded;

For the enumeration of geoDatums suppoted, see Appendix B


It is possible to configure global datum label in a display group:

Code Block

Since 2020.02 it is possible to configure local datum label to specifically set the reference level of a certain axis in a display group:

Code Block

Format definition for time strings in displays (e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss is resolved to 2004-07-03 10:43:26)


Default cardinal time step for the system. The system time will be rounded down to the actual time to the closest cardinal time step.


  • unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week)
  • multiplier defines the number of units given above in a time step.
  • divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units in time step.

Defines the default time zone for the system. The default time zone is used for all times in user displays, unless locally overruled. This includes time series displays and the system time. The time zone used by the system should conform to a time zone that does not consider summer time. If this optional entry is not included then the timeZone is considered to be UTC+0:00 (or GMT). The time zone can be defined in two ways:

  • timeZoneOffset: The offset of the time zone with reference to UTC (equivalent to GMT). Entries should define the number of hours (or fraction of hours) offset. (e.g. +01:00)
  • timeZoneName: Enumeration of supported time zones. See appendix B for list of supported time zones.

In some areas that adhere to daylight saving time (DST), this is reflected in the time zone name. For example in New South Whales (Australia) the time zone is AET (Australian Eastern Time). However, since the adhere to DST, in Summer they use the time zone AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) and in winter it's AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time). In Delft-FEWS this means that you configure / select the time zone AET (in Explorer.xml), but that the Current System Time will display as either AEST or AEDT depending on the time of year.

Queensland (Australia) doesn't adhere to DST and uses AEST all year round, so configure AEST in Explorer.xml for this state. Macquarie Island on the other hand uses AEDT all year round, so for that location you'll need to select AEDT in Explorer.xml.



This feature is not supported anymore. The logging levels can be configured in Log4jConfig.xml in the root directory .

Configuration of the log panel at the bottom of the main display. This can be configured to show all messages (DEBUG level and up), or filtered from a defined level. Two types of log message can be displayed; those generated by the DEBUG logger and those by the EVENT logger. In normal use the latter is defined to show messages from a level of INFO or above. The former is not normally used except for configuration in the stand alone when additional information may be useful. Different settings are available for stand alone clients and for operator clients

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Figure 12 Elements in the Log Panel section of the Explorer configuration


Root element of a definition of filters (multiple entries may exist).


Definition of log filters for Operator client or for Stand alone system (both may be included).


Root element for log filter definition


Filter applicable to System logger or to debug logger. Enumeration of "system"or "event".


Level of log message below which messages are not displayed. Enumeration of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL ERROR


This allows you to set the rolling barrel options for the client. Available options for the type are:

  • not_automatic: The Rolling Barrel will only run if you launch it using the F12 menu
  • startup_only: The Rolling Barrel will only run when starting up the client
  • shutdown_only: The Rolling Barrel will only run at showdown of the client
  • interval: The Rolling Barrel will run at the specified interval


Code Block
	<interval unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>

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This allows you to set the default sorting option for the parameters in the Explorer. Available options are:

  • default: Use the default sorting from the configuration file Parameters.xml.
  • name: Sort by parameter name (ascending).


Code Block

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The system can notify the completion of a manually dispatched task run when the notification property is enabled (i.e. enabled=TRUE).

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Number for the amount of time series blobs in database that indicates when the OC should give a popup warning on startup that FEWS is not designed for unlimited amount of data. Default is 1 million.



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Boolean option whether to show an opaque warning icon (Image Removed) in the status bar when unacknowledged warnings are present in database. Only if no unacknowledged errors are present. 




Image Added


This section includes additional settings for the FEWS Explorer.

Image Added
Figure 11 Elements in the Rest Settings section of the Explorer configuration


Defines the default filter to be selected on starting the fewsExplorer


Default definition of the geographic datum. This is an enumeration of geographic datums supported. As further geographic datums are supported, the list will be expanded;

For the enumeration of geoDatums suppoted, see Appendix B


It is possible to configure global datum label in a display group:

Code Block

Since 2020.02 it is possible to configure local datum label to specifically set the reference level of a certain axis in a display group:

Code Block



Format definition for time strings in displays (e.g. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss is resolved to 2004-07-03 10:43:26)


Default cardinal time step for the system. The system time will be rounded down to the actual time to the closest cardinal time step.


  • unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week)
  • multiplier defines the number of units given above in a time step.
  • divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units in time step.

Defines the default time zone for the system. The default time zone is used for all times in user displays, unless locally overruled. This includes time series displays and the system time. The time zone used by the system should conform to a time zone that does not consider summer time. If this optional entry is not included then the timeZone is considered to be UTC+0:00 (or GMT). The time zone can be defined in two ways:

  • timeZoneOffset: The offset of the time zone with reference to UTC (equivalent to GMT). Entries should define the number of hours (or fraction of hours) offset. (e.g. +01:00)
  • timeZoneName: Enumeration of supported time zones. See appendix B for list of supported time zones.

In some areas that adhere to daylight saving time (DST), this is reflected in the time zone name. For example in New South Whales (Australia) the time zone is AET (Australian Eastern Time). However, since the adhere to DST, in Summer they use the time zone AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) and in winter it's AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time). In Delft-FEWS this means that you configure / select the time zone AET (in Explorer.xml), but that the Current System Time will display as either AEST or AEDT depending on the time of year.

Queensland (Australia) doesn't adhere to DST and uses AEST all year round, so configure AEST in Explorer.xml for this state. Macquarie Island on the other hand uses AEDT all year round, so for that location you'll need to select AEDT in Explorer.xml.



This feature is not supported anymore. The logging levels can be configured in Log4jConfig.xml in the root directory .

Configuration of the log panel at the bottom of the main display. This can be configured to show all messages (DEBUG level and up), or filtered from a defined level. Two types of log message can be displayed; those generated by the DEBUG logger and those by the EVENT logger. In normal use the latter is defined to show messages from a level of INFO or above. The former is not normally used except for configuration in the stand alone when additional information may be useful. Different settings are available for stand alone clients and for operator clients

Image Added
Figure 12 Elements in the Log Panel section of the Explorer configuration


Root element of a definition of filters (multiple entries may exist).


Definition of log filters for Operator client or for Stand alone system (both may be included).


Root element for log filter definition


Filter applicable to System logger or to debug logger. Enumeration of "system"or "event".


Level of log message below which messages are not displayed. Enumeration of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL ERROR


This allows you to set the rolling barrel options for the client. Available options for the type are:

  • not_automatic: The Rolling Barrel will only run if you launch it using the F12 menu
  • startup_only: The Rolling Barrel will only run when starting up the client
  • shutdown_only: The Rolling Barrel will only run at showdown of the client
  • interval: The Rolling Barrel will run at the specified interval


Code Block
	<interval unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>

Image Added


This allows you to set the default sorting option for the parameters in the Explorer. Available options are:

  • default: Use the default sorting from the configuration file Parameters.xml.
  • name: Sort by parameter name (ascending).


Code Block

Image Added


The system can notify the completion of a manually dispatched task run when the notification property is enabled (i.e. enabled=TRUE).

Image Added


Number for the amount of time series blobs in database that indicates when the OC should give a popup warning on startup that FEWS is not designed for unlimited amount of data. Default is 1 million.

Code Block

Image Added


Boolean option whether to show an opaque warning icon (Image Added) in the status bar when unacknowledged warnings are present in database. Only if no unacknowledged errors are present. 

Code Block

Image Added


When a local config dir in the OC region home is detected the user is asked to restart using this config dir. This feature is for testing purposes and can be disabled for normal users by specifying a required permission.  Fews will always first start with the database config before asking to restart. The permission from the original config is used.

Code Block


If the user has the debug menu permission, by pressing F12, the debug menu appears. Please note, if this permission is not configured, then the debug menu can be accessed by all users. An example of how to configure the debug menu permission and an screenshot of the debug menu follow:

Code Block

Image Added


Filemenu options

From the FEWS Explorer File menu it is possible to configure a number of additional menu items (from which a few can also be found in the <F12> menu) . They are explained below.


Opens the most recent forecast for selection (in dataviewer).

Code Blockcode
	<openMostRecentForecast visible="true"/>


Opens the last forecast for selection (in dataviewer)

Code Block
	<openLastForecast visible="true"/>


From the FEWS Explorer File menu it is possible to export selected time series to a subset of the export file formats. To enable the Export Timeseries file menu option, it should be enabled in the Explorer.xml file. See Interactive Export


When set to true, an orange cross will appear for locations/parameters/nodes where some, but not all timeseries contain missing data. Default is false (for backward compatibility)


The Documentviewer is used to show documents connected to workflows in the IFD. It is also possible to show documents connected to values in timeseries (eg picture of peilschaal). Here is more information on application and configuration.


All geographic locations used in DELFT-FEWS are resolved to WGS 1984. If another coordinate system is to be used, then the transformation between this and WGS 1984 will need to be added. There is a class definition for these transformations. Once added the enumeration used here can be extended


Care needs to be taken when working with time zones. Mixing time zones can lead to great confusion. It is wise to define the time zone as an offset with respect to UTC and use this throughout. In configuring import data, a local time zone can be used. It is advisable to always set time zones when required.


should be enabled in the Explorer.xml file. See Interactive Export


When set to true, an orange cross will appear for locations/parameters/nodes where some, but not all timeseries contain missing data. Default is false (for backward compatibility)


The Documentviewer is used to show documents connected to workflows in the IFD. It is also possible to show documents connected to values in timeseries (eg picture of peilschaal). Here is more information on application and configuration.


All geographic locations used in DELFT-FEWS are resolved to WGS 1984. If another coordinate system is to be used, then the transformation between this and WGS 1984 will need to be added. There is a class definition for these transformations. Once added the enumeration used here can be extended


Care needs to be taken when working with time zones. Mixing time zones can lead to great confusion. It is wise to define the time zone as an offset with respect to UTC and use this throughout. In configuring import data, a local time zone can be used. It is advisable to always set time zones when required.


The FEWS Stand Alone can start an embedded VJDBC server automatically or through the debug mode.

Starting VJDBC server automatically:

When the Explorer.xml file of the Stand Alone system contains an additional element “vjdbcServicePortRange”, the Delft-FEWS internal vjdbc server will start automatically when the Stand alone is started. For the port number a range of the port numbers can be provided, for example   <vjdbcServicePortRange start="2000" end="2005"/>

We advice to use the portrange starting from 2000.

Starting VJDBC server through the debug mode :

When there is no “vjdbcServicePortRange” configured,  you can start VJDBC server  with Explorer F12 menu option “M start embedded vjdbc server”.  Then the  embedded VJDBC Server will use port number 2000.

This VJDBC functionality can be used to analyse the database of the Stand Alone using external tools like DBVisualizer. Or it can be used to start a FEWS  Stand Alone in participant mode or the Water Coach in participant mode (Application configuration#Participantmode)


Since 2022.02 the FEWS Stand Alone or Operator Client can start an embedded tomcat server with the Delft-FEWS Web Services The FEWS Stand Alone can start an embedded VJDBC server automatically or through the debug mode.

Starting VJDBC server FewsWebServices automatically:

When the Explorer.xml file of the Stand Alone system contains an additional element “vjdbcServicePortRange”“piServicePortRange”, the Delft-FEWS internal vjdbc embedded tomcat server will start automatically when the Stand alone is started. For the port number a range of the port numbers can be provided, for example   <vjdbcServicePortRange start<piServicePortRangestart="20008080" end="20059000"/>

We advice to use the portrange a port range starting from 20008080.

Starting VJDBC server FewsWebServices through the debug mode :

When there is no “vjdbcServicePortRange” configured,  you can start VJDBC server  with Explorer F12 menu option “M start embedded vjdbc server”.  Then the  embedded VJDBC Server will use port number 2000.


This VJDBC functionality can be used to analyse the database of the Stand Alone using external tools like DBVisualizer. Or it can be used to start a FEWS  Stand Alone in participant mode or the Water Coach in participant mode (Application configuration#Participantmode)


 “piServicePortRange” configured,  you can start the Fews Web Services with Explorer F12 menu option “start embedded tomcat web services”.  Then the embedded tomcat fews web services will use a free port in the range 8080-9000. The web service is typically accessible at: http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/ when port 8080 is not in use.
