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Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<moduleRunTableDisplay xmlns=""
 xsi:schemaLocation=" http"/>


Displaying Content

To display the data a topology node has to be selected that maps to the run that imports the csv. After selecting the node the Module Run Table Display will appear. On top of the display is a list with csv files that have been selected. Default the first file will be displayed. Clicking on any file will display the imported csv content.


In case not all columns should be visible, right clicking on a value will show the "Set column visibility" menu. This allows a user to select or deselect columns that should be visible (at least one column has to remain visible). These settings will be stored in the user settings and will remain available after FEWS was restarted.


On fail configuration

Since 2019.02.


If onFailWarnAndContinue has been set to turetrue, a warning will be logged if the configured importFile cannot be found, but the activity won't fail.