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When adding boundary conditions to a model, you must first declare their type. In the example of this tutorial, we will add a time series of water levels to each boundary. Each of the added boundary conditions is also kept inside a separate variable for later use.

Code Block
titleCreare Create timeseries boundaries
flowLeftBoundaryCondition = AddFlowBoundaryCondition(fmModel, leftBoundary.Name, FlowBoundaryQuantityType.WaterLevel, BoundaryConditionDataType.TimeSeries)
flowTopBoundaryCondition = AddFlowBoundaryCondition(fmModel, topBoundary.Name, FlowBoundaryQuantityType.WaterLevel, BoundaryConditionDataType.TimeSeries)
flowBottomBoundaryCondition = AddFlowBoundaryCondition(fmModel, bottomBoundary.Name, FlowBoundaryQuantityType.WaterLevel, BoundaryConditionDataType.TimeSeries)
flowRightBoundaryCondition = AddFlowBoundaryCondition(fmModel, rightBoundary.Name, FlowBoundaryQuantityType.WaterLevel, BoundaryConditionDataType.TimeSeries)

This is reflected in the map, with a different icon for the boundary conditions:

We continue by assigning the start time and the end time of each time series (the same values that . These same times will be used later on for the model simulation) and a list of [boundary, boundary condition] pairsas well as start and end simulation time. Additionally, a list containing the set of couples of boundary objects,and their respective specifications is also created.

Code Block
titleCreate timeseries
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta

startTime = datetime(2014,1,1, 12,0,0)
endTime = datetime(2014,1,12, 12,0,0)

boundaryConditionSets = [[leftBoundary,flowLeftBoundaryCondition],
                        [bottomBoundary, flowBottomBoundaryCondition],
                        [rightBoundary, flowRightBoundaryCondition]]


Now, we want to will use a WPS server to get retrieve the timeseries time series for the support points of the boundaries. We start by importing the WPS library (this . This may take some time and ends with a warning (this up with some error messages which can be ignored)).

Code Block
titleImport WPS library
import Libraries.Wps as wps

We go through the previously created list boundaryConditionSets and, for each pair, we call "GetTidalPredictForLineString" for to retrieve every boundary from the wps library WPS server. This will give provide us a time series for every each support point on the each boundary, with the provided start time, stop time and frequency. This may take some time depending on the number of support points, the length of the time series and the speed of your internet connection.

We continue by adding the Once retrieved, we add these time series to the model by using the "AddTimeSeriesToSupportPoint" call. This will add the time series to the provided boundary condition at the support point indexusing AddTimeSeriesToSupportPoint for each support point.

Code Block
titleAdd WPS boundary conditions
for boundaryConditionSet in boundaryConditionSets:
    # get timeseries for each support point using wps service
    timeSeries = wps.GetTidalPredictForLineString(boundaryConditionSet[0].Geometry, EPSGCode, startTime, endTime, wps.Frequency.Hourly)

    # add resultTimeSeries to support points
    for supportPointIndex in range(len(timeSeries)):
        resultTimeSeries = timeSeries[supportPointIndex]
        AddTimeSeriesToSupportPoint(fmModel, boundaryConditionSet[1], supportPointIndex, resultTimeSeries)


The result can be viewed double clicking the any boundary on the map and looking at the boundary conditions editor:

Here, you can see that for the left boundary there is In the figure above, a water level time series declared on has been assigned to all the support points of the left boundary condition. 
