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See also: OATC Wiki Home

Date: June 8 - 9, 20010
Venue: Unesco-IHE, The Netherlands


Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)

~jnh@dhigroup Unknown User (, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (
Daniele Andreis,Universita` di Trento,(
Jan Gregersen, LicTek


Cons: It adds complexity to the standard (A standard developer may not have/do not want to have bother about this level of skills), and it is specific to java and .net.


Remove Values2D from IValueSet

It was introduced to make generic OutputAdapters be able to efficiently access the internal data. Only valid for time-space value sets, and should only be available on that specialization, but it will not be removed. (thumbs down)

Refine adapted output factories

The idea of several factories of a component is that each factory can describe it self, before it is asked to create its adapted outputs, so you may have two factories doing grid-to-line interpolation in two different ways, and you can choose which one to use. Also, it is easy for a component developer to add yet another general adapted output factory, if that is required. (thumbs down)

The issue with the awkward GetAdaptedOutputDescription() has been solved by letting the IIdentifiable extend IDescribable.

Update the IQuality interface

First change: Return type of IQuality.Categories differs in java and C#. Options:

Code Block


IList<ICategory> (thumbs up) .

Second and third changes: Difficult to make as well a generic as a special quality implemention that does this correctly, taking into account that the category may come from another component elsewhere. Though it was found potentially usefull (thumbs up) .

Loop approach

Duplicate - has to do with parallelism


Rename IOutput and IInput into IOutputItem and IInputItem

Has been discussed before. There is was also discussed that without "item" it is very implicit. (thumbs down)

How to make the standard extendable

Meeting with EPA on how to make OpenMI and FRAMES work together, and also several reviewers, have revealed the necessity of making the standard extendable instead of "all inclusive". since the "all inclusive" is very difficult to predict.

The base idea is to make very general versions of interfaces, and provide specializations of these. These specializations can be released at a later stage than the standard, and without affecting the standard.

See the section on "Possible candidates for extensions" and this additional discussion page about the Extendable OpenMI 2.0 version.

Strategy for releasing 2.0


IValueSet.ElementCount and IValueSet.TimesCount is removed - redundant (thumbs up) .

Whats next

  • Go through those issues marked with (warning) on a Skype meeting in the near future.
  • Go through bugs and documentation issues listed in the review.
  • Implement proposal for splitting up interfaces in general ones and specific ones. Jesper will look at in within the next month.
  • Dictionary implementation updated according to meeting with FRAMES people. Stef will do that.
  • Updates agreed on at this and last meeting should be implemented. Stef will take the lead, and can delegate.
  • GUI: Someone needs to find resources for this!