Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following are the required properties that have to be configured:

  • projectId: a project Id (projectnummer) provided by BRO which can be found by logging in on
  • chamberOfCommerceNumber: will be used to set the value of the brocom:chamberOfCommerceNumber element.
  • qualityRegime: will be used to set the brocom:qualityRegime value. Can be either IMBRO or IMBRO/A

Optional properties that can be configured:

  • unitOfMeasurement: optional property to set the unit of measurement. Default value is 'm'.
  • skipBroValidation: skip the initial validation step (document processing always includes the second validation step). 
  • splitFiles: default true
  • skipBroValidation: default false. Before uploading the GLD_Addition document to the BRO, the XML document will be validated using the validation API of the BRO. This is an optional feature and can make the export take a lot of time. The uploaded document will also be validated again after upload by the BRO. To disable validation, set the skipBroValidation property to true.
  • splitFiles: default false. If set to true, timeseries that have 10000 or more time steps, will be splitted split in files with 9999 timesteps. The BRO Portal currently doesn't support more than 9999 time steps.
  • unitOfMeasurement: optional property to set the unit of measurement. Default value is 'm'.
  • statusQualityControl: default '"goedgekeurd" allowed values are:
    "afgekeurd", "goedgekeurd", "nogNietBeoordeeld", "onbeslist", "onbekend"
  • observationType: default "reguliereMeting" allowed values are:
    "reguliereMeting", "controleMeting"
  • statusCode: default "voorlopig" is none  allowed values are:
    "volledigBeoordeeld", "voorlopig", "onbekend"
  • processReference: default "NEN_EN_ISO22475v2006_C11v2010" allowed values are:
    "NEN5120v1991", "NEN_EN_ISO22475v2006_C11v2010", "NEN_ISO21413v2005", "NPR_ISO.TR23211v2009", "RWSgwmon", "STOWAgwst", "vitensMeetprotocolGrondwater", "waternetMeetprocedure", "onbekend"
  • measurementInstrumentType: default "druksensor" allowed values are:
    "akoestischeSensor", "akoestischHandapparaat", "analoogPeilklokje", "druksensor", "elektronischPeilklokje", "opzetStuk", "radarsensor", "stereoDruksensor", "onbekend", "onbekendPeilklokje"
  • processType: default "Algorithm" allowed values are:
    "Algorithm", "Manual Method", "Sensor", "Simulation", "Unknown"
  • evaluationProcedure: default "oordeelDeskundige" allowed values are:
    "brabantWater2013", "eijkelkampDataValidatiev0.0.9", "oordeelDeskundige", "PMBProtocolDatakwaliteitscontroleQC2018v2.0", "RWSAATGrondwaterv1.0", "validatieprocedureEvidesWaterbedrijf", "vitensBeoordelingsprotocolGrondwater", "waternetBeoordelingsprocedure", "warecoWaterDataValidatieProtocolv20200219", "onbekend"
  • airPressureCompensationType: default "monitoringnetmeting" is none, allowed values are:
    "capillair", "gecorrigeerdLokaleMeting", "KNMImeting", "monitoringnetmeting", "putlocatiemeting", "onbekend"

Setting a property to an empty value "" will have the same result as omitting the property from the XML configuration.

The "onbekend" value that is listed for some properties can only be used in combination with qualityRegime IMBRO/A, which can be selected during registration of a GLD and cannot be changed afterwards.

For each exported XML file a BRO ID is required. This can either be the same as the internal locationId or (preferably) should be configured as a location attribute. In the latter case idmapping is required. The location attribute that holds the BRO ID should be mapped, using a location id function.  For example:


The BRO_GLD_Addition_Server can be configured as follows.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timeSeriesExportRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
			<!-- BRO can take a long time to upload. Set timeout to 5 minutes -->
			<!-- username and password can be acquired from the BRO portal bij getting a token. -->
			<string key="chamberOfCommerceNumber" value="XXXXX$KVK_NUMMER$" ></string>>
			<string key="projectId" value="$BRO_PROJECTID$"/>
                <string key="qualityRegime" value="IMBRO/A" ></string>>
			<bool            <!-- Validation can take quite some time. To skip BRO validation, set this property to true. Validation will also be done in the portal. -->
            key="skipBroValidation" value="true"/>
			<bool key="skipBroValidationsplitFiles" value="falsetrue" ></bool>
			<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
			<timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-10" end="0" startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="false"/>
			<readWriteMode>read complete forecast<only</readWriteMode>

Acquire a


BRO Authenication token

Since 01/03/2024, version 2 of the BRO REST API is available. Acquiring a authenication token has slightly changed and is explained below.

To get a BRO Aanlever token, login authentication token, follow the following steps (an explanation on what the role of tokens is and how to create them is also provided on BRO Wiki)

  1. Login to the BRO portal (Demo or Production environment)


  1. with your personal (organizational) credentials;
  2. Navigate to the top menu item "Organization" (NL: Mijn organisatie);
  3. Navigate to the tab "Options" (NL: Opties);
  4. Select "Authentication Token";
  5. Create a token here;
  6. The token is shown only once;

Image Added

Image Added

Image Removed

Image Removed

In the configuration example above you should:

  • fill in the "token username" (from the light blue bar above) in the <user> element
  • fill in the "token" (from the black bar above) in the <password> element

You can reset (or remove and create) your token here. Be aware that you have to change the configuration files which contain the BRO token!!!