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In numerical modelling, it is often important to check your model results with real-life observations. Observations This comparison can be carried out specifcally for made with observations of specifically your case study or you , but you can also use observations from a database (i.e. the NDBC; National Data Buoy Center). Currely Currently the following databases are supported: CO-OPS, NDBC, DART, USGS waterbase (focused on the US focused) and MATROOS (Dutch).

Usage of the toolbox

This toolbox is often used in the following matterway:

  1. Creating Create observation points in your model based on the location of the 'real' observations. This can be done by drawing a polygon and clicking on 'Make Observation Points'.
  2. Download or view the data by:
    1. Download all the data in combination with a polygon
    2. View individual station stations by clicking on themselection.


Figure: example of the observations by the NDBC around the US including a user-defined polygon