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Meeting hosted by and at the CUDAM of the University of Trento, Faculty of Engineering.

University of Trento, Facolty of Engineering
via BelenzaniMesiano, 12 77 I-38100 Povo (TN)
tel. +39 0461 881919 881978

How to best reach Trento (arriving by plane)

The best bid is to arrive in Verona, which is the nearest airport (leaving out Bolzano, which is usually impossibly expensive).
From the airport there is an airport shuttle bus that leads to the train station (About 40 min if I recall correctly).
From there it is about 1 and 1/2 hours of train. Find your preferred train timetable here .

Others often used airports are Bologna, Milano, Bergamo and Innsbruck. The train timetable from the above link applies to all of them.


See complete list of hotels that have conventions with the University


The following hotels are near the train station and the bus station that brings to the meeting place. The meeting place is rather outside the city center, so the best thing is to stay in the center for evening entertainment and take 10 minutes of bus to get to the faculty during the day.

  • Hotel Accademia
  • Alber Monaco
  • Hotel Buonconsiglio (a bit more far away from the train station)