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Wavewatch 3


This page describes the WW3 module adapter, its functions, and provides an example for configuring a WW3 run in FEWS.

The pre-adapter creates the model specific output by replacing tags in template files:


Furthermore, it writes log messages to a log file called xbeach.log.

The post-adapter converts the 2D spectra model output from the model native format to NetCDf.

WW3 pre-adapter

Model pre-adapter for running a Wavewatch 3 model from Delft-FEWS.


  • This program needs Java version 1.7 8 or higher.
  • This program needs the following Java libraries:
    • castor-0.9.5.jar
    • commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
    • Delft_FEWS.jar
    • Delft_FEWS_DataStore.jar
    • Delft_PI.jar
    • Delft_PI_castor.jar
    • Delft_Util.jar
    • fews-wavewatch-adapter.jar
    • grib-8.0
    • log4j-1.2.14.jar
    • netcdf-4.2.jar
    • slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar
    • slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar
    • TimeSeriesImport.jar
    • xercesImpl.jar

WW3 post-adapter

Model post-adapter for running a Wavewatch 3 model from Delft-FEWS.


  • This program needs Java version 1.7 8 or higher.
  • This program needs the same Java libraries as the pre-adapter.

Running a WaveWatch 3 model


  • ww3_grid.exe (grid pre-processor, page 75 of the manual)
  • ww3_prep.exe (wind field pre-processor for the generic shell, page 86)
  • ww3_shel.exe (model executable or generic shell, page 89)
  • ww3_outp.exe (point output post-processor, page 100)
    • Input
      • ww3_outp.inp
      • mod_def.ww3 (binary file, created by ww3)
      • out_pnt.ww3 (raw point output data)
    • Output
      • tabnn.ww3, table of mean parameters where nn is a two-digit integer)
      • ww3.YYMMDDHH.spc file, with the 2D spectra in an ASCII format. The post-adapter will convert this to a file, which FEWS can import in the importActivities.
  • gx_outf.exe (gridded output post-processor for GrADS, page 107. Output ww3.grads)
    • Input
      • gx_outf.inp
      • mod_def.ww3
      • out_grd.ww3 (raw gridded output data)
    • Output
      • ww3.grads


In this section the data to be exported from FEWS as input to the module is specified. Data to export to WW3 generally includes:

  • Model state (restartn.ww3, where n represents a single digit integer number)
  • Model data set
  • Input data (i.e. wind, water levels, wave spectra)
  • Run file


Code Block
						<stateSearchPeriod unit="hour" start="-72" end="-24"/>
						<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="3"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-3" end="0"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
						<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
						<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="3"/>
						<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-3" end="0"/>
						<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
					<string value="3600" key="TIMESTEP"/>


Code Block
		<description>WavewatchIII Pre Adapter<pre-adapter</description>
		<description>Run WavewatchIII</description>
		<description>Collect output WavewatchIII</description>
		<description>WavewatchIII Post Adapter<post-adapter</description>
