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The MultiflexMeter import function (<importType>MultiflexMeter</importType>) imports scalar time series from the MultiflexMeter servce ( The services service provides timeSeries data in JSON format.

Configuring the Import

To make the importer known to FEWS, the import module has to be declared in the moduleInstanceDescriptors.xml in the RegionConfigFiles directory of the FEWS configuration:Import MultiflexMeter data, a timeSeriesImportRun has to be configured.

The following parts of the import configuration are important:

  1. importType: MultiflexMeter

  2. serverUrl:{locationId}/?resolution=30s

    1. The tag {locationId} will be replaced by FEWS with the configured locations in the timeSeriesSet.

  3. The username and the password of the multiflexmeter api should be provided in the

  4. A relative view period has to be configured that will determine the period for which the timeseries will be requested from the API. 
  5. An idMap should be configured to map FEWS locations to the multiflex locations and FEWS parameters to Multiflex parameters.
  6. Missing values: the service returns values that probably should be interpreted as missing values. For example, the value 65535 is returned quite often and is probably a missing value.


It is assumed that all timeseries responses are in the following format.

Code Block
  "time": "2019-09-18T12:16:30Z",
  "mean_value": 159

Example Import Configuration

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timeSeriesImportRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Code Block
        <relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-12024" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
        <dataFeedId>Multiflex Meter</dataFeedId>
        <locationId>mfm1040</locationId>		<locationSetId>MultiflexMeterLocations</locationSetId>
        <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
        <timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="30"/>nonequidistant"></timeStep>
        <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>


An example of a MultiflexMeter json response can be seen here:

Code Block
  "count": 2,
  "points": [
      "time": "2019-09-18T12:1014:00Z30Z",
      "mean_value": 6553558
      "time": "2019-09-18T12:1015:30Z00Z",
      "mean_value": 6553537
