Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

From eFrom the FEWS Explorer File menu it is possible to export selected time series to a subset of the export file formats. To enable the Export Timeseries file menu option, it should be enabled in the Explorer.xml file.


The following exportTypes are available:

  • pi-xml
  • gin-xml
  • csv
  • dutch-csv
  • csvdutch
  • csvwithquality
  • csvdutchwithquality
  • generalCsv (with the use of Table Layout)
  • iBever
  • kwaliteit-csvgin-xml
  • Hymos 4.03
  • Hymos 4.5
  • iBever
  • Menyanthes
  • pi-xml
  • generalCsv (with the use of Table Layout)
  • Menyanthes
  • dino-tuf

There are 2 exportTypes that are no longer supported. They can be configured using a serializerClassName:

  • UM-Aquo
  • UM-Aquo-2009

For an up-to-date list, please inspect the interactiveExportTypeEnumStringType in the explorer.xsd


Code Block
		<name>iBever Export</name>
		<name>HYMOS Transferdatabase 4.03</name>
		<exportType>Hymos 4.03</exportType>
		<name>HYMOS Transferdatabase 4.50</name>
		<exportType>Hymos 4.5</exportType>
		<name>General CSV Sample Export</name>
			<dateTimeColumn name="DATE_SMP" pattern="dd-MM-yy HH:mm"/>
			<locationColumn name="LOC_CODE"/>
			<unitColumn name="Eenheid"/>
			<parameterColumn name="PARAMETER_ID"/>
			<qualifierColumn name="PAR_REF" prefix="PAR_REF_"/>
			<qualifierColumn name="PROD_CODE" prefix="PROD_CODE_"/>
			<qualifierColumn name="ANAL_CODE" prefix="ANAL_CODE_"/>
			<qualifierColumn name="TYPE" prefix="TYPE_"/>
			<propertyColumn name="COST_CODE" key="COST_CODE"/>
			<attributeColumn name="Groep" id="Groep"/>
			<valueColumn name="Waarde"/>


An example of the generalCsv export format configuration with the use of Table Layout is given below. Note that in this example certain flagSourceColumns are also exported. This is possible since FEWS version 2015.02.


Code Block
    <name>Umaquo 2011 CSV files</name>
    <!-- Configure the binDir if jars of serializer are not located in FEWS bin directory -->
    <!-- <binDir>%RegionHome%/Modules/aquo-bin</binDir>-->
        <int key="SCHEMA_VERSION" value="2011"/>

Example of the UM-Aquo-2009 serializer.

Code Block
			<name>Umaquo 2009 XML files</name>
				<int key="SCHEMA_VERSION" value="2009"/>

Since 2020.02 it is possible to export unreliables using generalCsv when there is a flag column configured. This is to prevent exporting untrustworthy data from FEWS without showing it should not be trusted.

Since 2020.02 it is also possible to specify an explicit time zone that must be used for the interactive export:

Code Block
			<name>Export Fysische-Chemie beknopt</name>
			<name>Export Fysische-Chemie uitgebreid</name>


For the Umaquo exports, make sure the correct version is available in the bin folder. The latest umaquo binaries are part of the Delft-FEWS WebServices package.
