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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Lookup table display

The lookup table display is a display plug-in that extends the What-if scenario functionality. The display allows the user to interactively explore the impact of uncertainties in input data on the results of forecasts based on a lookup table. Interactive usage means the runs of the lookup table module will be on the local machine (i.e. the Operator Client in the live system).

For each lookup table to be used interactively, the input series for which scenarios may interactively applied must be configured. The workflow to run must also be configured. Note that the report generated by the lookup table module as a result of the run is also viewed locally. As a consequence the workflow run is normally a copy of the normal lookup table run, with the exception that the report module is configured to send the reports to a local directory rather than to the web served (via the Report_Export module).

The Id of the lookup table display is identified in the DisplayInstanceDescriptors. When available on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring the display with an Id of e.g. LookupDisplay is for example:

LookupDisplay 1.00 default.xml


File name for the LookupDisplay configuration


Version number

default Flag

to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

Figure 152 Elements of the Lookup Table display configuration


Root element for the general settings section


Root directory of the reports directory on the local OC for exporting reports generated by the lookup table display to and for viewing these from.


Address of the external browser used to display reports generated by the interactive lookup table display.


Root element for the description of a lookup table. Each entry defined will be available in a drop down list in the lookup table display, allowing lookup tables to be run individually . Multiple entries may exist.

descriptorId : Id of the lookup table to be run from the lookup table display. This Id is used to populate the drop down list to select a lookup table to run from.


Optional description of the configuration. Used for reference purposes only.


Id of the workflow to run to explore the impacts of uncertainties in the input variables. This workflow must be defined in the workflows configuration (see Regional Configuration) and an appropriately configured workflow must be available (see Workflows).


Optional prefix for the What-If scenario defined. Item is redundant and need not be defined.


Definition of a time series set to be used as an input variable. This variable may be amended interactively by the user.


  • variableId : ID of the variable (group). Appears in list of variables to be selected in the lookup table display.
  • variableType : Optional type definition of variable (defaults to "any")
  • convertDatum : Optional Boolean flag to indicate if datum is to be converted for the what-if scenario defined.


Definition of the output variable for the lookup table display. This variable is currently not used, but is already available for a possible future extension of the lookup table display.


Definition of the time series set to be used for the input/output variable.


Optional definition of the sub directory the report produced by the lookup table is read from (may also be defined in the reportFileName item).


HTML file name of the report to be displayed as a result of the run made by the lookup table display. This file name (and sub directory) must the same as the report created in the appropriate module in the workflow run. If this is not the case no report will be displayed.