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Definitions of groups of locations

schema location


Table of Contents


Location sets may be used to define logical groups of locations. Often an action may need to be taken on a whole set of locations (e.g. validation). By creating a LocationSet the action need only be defined once on a location set and not on individual locations. Any location may appear in more than one location set. Internally a location set is simply evaluated as a list of locations.

The location set configuration file is included in the RegionConfigFiles\ folder: LocationSets.xml


Shape file, GeoJSON file and CSV file

It is possible to define locationSets with locations that are automatically generated (so NOT defined in the locations.xml) from an ESRI Shape (dbf) file, geoJSON file or from a CSV table. See all detailed information at the the next page

Database Table

It is also possible to define locationSets with locations that are read directly from a database. The contents of the database table are on the fly read and converted to a DBZ file. This DBZ file will be used by FEWS. This is for backup purpose in case the database is not available any more, like in stand-alone test environments. See all detailed information at the next page

LocationSet XML file elements


Root element for the definition of a location set. Multiple entries may exist. The Id of the location set must be unique.


Optional element available since 2018.01. By default this element is set to true and FEWS will log a debug message when an empty locationSet is created. If set to false, FEWS will log a config error instead. When separate locationSets xml-files are used, each file can have its own <allowEmptyLocationSets> element, which will only apply for the location sets listed in that file.


NOT used in dataviewer / filters. Sorting by name has become default, a sorting attribute can be defined in the location set <sortingLocationAttributeId>.

STILL used in exports Sorts the locations in this set by name. When false the order  of the specified location ids or the order in the esri shape file is used. Note that this only applies to the sorting of locations within a locationSets. This will have effect on e.g. sorting of locations in export files, or within a plot. Sorting of locations in filters and displaygroups is configured in their respective configuration files.



  • Give the main locationSet based on the csvFile a sortingLocationAttributeId that makes sense (e.g. Name or logical river order). This will be the first locationSet found by FEWS, and therefore will dictate the sorting order used in the Filter (aka DataViewer, configured in Filters.xml). This is because by default locations sets use the sorting of the parent location set.
  • Give all locationSets derived from the main locationSet a sortingOrder to overrule the default by name sorting order defined in the main locationSet (based on the csvFile).
  • Create separate locationSets for displaysGroups and Exports when the order in these two is different.
  • Don't define numeric attributes as text attributes in your configuration. Don't use leading zeros for numeric attributes in your csv. Leading zeros and/or text attributes will significantly increase the memory usage and start-up time of FEWS.

  • (General recommendation) After making these kind of changes to config, if you experience unexpected behaviour in Delft-FEWS after a refresh, restart Delft-FEWS to see if this behaviour is persistent.
  • In the filters locations with the same sorting mechanism (same attribute or by name) are grouped together (the order of grouping can depend on Java version)

Option is available since 2014.01


By configuring <chainageLocationAttributeId> all locations that have a value for this attribute will be contained in this location set. This attribute will automatically be used as sortingLocationAttributeId so the locations are in the order of ascending chainage value.  The attribute must be of type numeric.


Code Block
titlecsv attribute file

Code Block
titleLocationSets - reference to csv attribute file
    <attribute id="CHAINAGE_C">
    <attribute id="CHAINAGE_D">
    <attribute id="CHAINAGE_E">

Code Block
titleLocationSets - defenition of location sets
Code Block
	<locationSet id="CHAINAGE_CD">

Code Block
titleuse of locationSet to display data
    <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
    <timeStep unit="day"/>
    <relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-7" end="0"/>
    <readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>

Since 2020.02 it is possible to use time dependent chainage location attributes see Time Dependent Chainage Location Sets.

For configuring location attributes see all detailed information at the  next page


With the XML example above, 2 river segment locationSets will be generated: Darwen_Warrington_Model_PDM (with 2 locations) and Dee_ISIS_Warrington_Model_PDM (with 3 locations).

LocationIdName River_Segment






Harrison Street PDM

Ewood Blackburn PDM

Pont Y Capel PDM

Manley Hall PDM

Lea Hall PDM






Note that sublocationsets can not be added to other locationsets. So it is adviced to create an overarching locationset (like UK_Fluvial_Catchments_PDM) from which sublocationsets are created by the function.


It is possible to define a label that is presented in the map. For more information, see Explorer.

LocationSets and Tabular Config File Display

For new functionality in the Tabular Config Files Display, the locationSets have been extended with functionality to display column headers and check meta data in CSV/DBF files. The configuration of these elements can be found in the Tabular Config Files Display WIKI page.