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Wiki Markup

Transformation -






transformation, spatial interpolation,

 inverse distance

 containing, polygon

Description and usage

For each input polygon this transformation copies the value of the input polygon to all output points that are inside the input polygon. If an output point is not contained in any input polygon, then the output is a missing value.”

If the output has point geometry the transformation will assign to each point the value for the polygon in which each point lies. If the output has raster geometry, the transformation will copy the value of the polygon which has the largest overlapping area with the grid cell in case the grid cell intersects multiple polygons.

Input/Output time series

In this function one input time series and one output time series must be identified.

  • inputVariableinput: a time series with input values. Thismust This must be a scalar time series with polygonspolygon geometry.
  • outputVariableoutput: a  an existing time series in which the output will be stored. This can be a time series with a regulareither irregularly distributed points or a regular/irregular grid.


Required element defining the identifier of the input time series with input values. This Id must reference a valid input time series .containing polygon 

Required element defining the identifier of the output time series with output values. This Id must reference a valid output time series .


Optional element defining the minimum value of the output time series. If the output value is lower than the configured minimum value the output value will be equal to the configured minimum value.


Optional element defining the maximum value of the input time series. If the output value is higher than the configured maximum value the output value will be equal to the configured maximum value. 


Required element defining the maximum radius in which the transformation searches the closest location/grid cell. The unit is meters. But please note, before 2012.02 it was by accident in kilometers for WGS84.


Geo datum used to calculate the distances in meters between the points. To calculate distances efficiently and to pre-sort the input points in a grid the earth's curved surface should be transformed to a flat two-dimensional surface. When the input geometry is not in meters calculation of distances will be very slow and a search all is required when there is no exact match. When there is no region/country specific coordinate system available choose a utm zone that best fits with your output region. eg. UTM55S for Victoria state in Australia. Only use zone number and N for northern hemisphere and S for southern hemisphere.


Required element to define the InverseDistanceOptionPower to which the inverse distance will be raised to calculate the weight factor of the input location/grid cell


Required elemet to defie the maximum number of points/grid cells which will be used to calculate the output.


containing either a point or grid geometry.


Code Block
titleExample configuration
<transformation id="Polygon2Grid">  



Common issues

None reported.
