Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
package nl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.dataImport;

import nl.wldelft.util.ExceptionUtils;
import nl.wldelft.util.FastGregorianCalendar;
import nl.wldelft.util.TextUtils;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseries.DefaultTimeSeriesHeader;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseries.RelativeEquidistantTimeStep;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseries.SimpleEquidistantTimeStep;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseries.TimeSeriesContentHandler;
import nl.wldelft.util.timeseries.TimeStep;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendarList;
import java.util.ListLocale;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * TimeSeries parser for SHEF version 2.0.
public class ShefTimeSeriesParser implements FileParser<TimeSeriesContentHandler> {
    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();

    public static final String readerType = "SHEF";
    private static final String SINGLE_LOCATION_MULTIPLE_PARAMETERS_TYPE = ".A";
    private static final String END_TOKEN_TYPE = ".END";

    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_B_HEADER = Pattern.compile(".B|.BR"); // B type record
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_A_CONTINUATION = Pattern.compile(".A\\d+"); // Start with a .A followed by one or more digits.
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_B_CONTINUATION = Pattern.compile(".B\\d+|.BR\\d+"); // Start with a .B followed by one or more digits.
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_ER_AR = Pattern.compile("\\.ER?$|.AR?$");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_ER = Pattern.compile("\\.ER?$");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_ER_D_AR_D = Pattern.compile("\\.ER?\\d+|\\.AR?\\d+");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR = Pattern.compile("DS.*|DN.*|DH.*|DD.*|DM.*|DY.*|DJ.*|DR.*");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_D = Pattern.compile("D.*|");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_DU = Pattern.compile("DU.*|");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_DI = Pattern.compile("DI.*");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_DH_DD = Pattern.compile("DH\\d\\d.*");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_START_DIGIT = Pattern.compile("[^0-9]");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_DIH = Pattern.compile(".*DIH.*");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_DIN = Pattern.compile(".*DIN.*");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_DID = Pattern.compile(".*DID.*");
    private static final Pattern COMPILE_PATTERN_DR_SHIFT = Pattern.compile("DRS*[+-]\\d+|DRN*[+-]\\d+|DRH*[+-]\\d+|DRD*[+-]\\d+|DRM*[+-]\\d+|DRD*[+-]\\d+");

    private static final char quoteChar = '\"';

    private CalendarFastGregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar()null;

    private TimeSeriesContentHandler contentHandler = null;

    // Variables for parsing the file
    private long time = 0;
    private long dtime = 0;
    private boolean separatorOnLastLine = false;

    private static final int E_TYPE = 0;
    private static final int A_TYPE = 1;
    private int messageType = 0;

    private String aContinuationLocationId = null;
    // string array contains all fields before the first / separator
    private int firstSlashSeparatorIdx = 0;

    public void parse(File file, TimeSeriesContentHandler contentHandler) throws Exception {
        this.contentHandler = contentHandler;
        calendar.setTimeZone = new FastGregorianCalendar(this.contentHandler.getDefaultTimeZone(), Locale.US);

        boolean isValid = readFile(file);
        if (!isValid) {
            throw new IOException("Error parsing: " + file.getName());

    private boolean readFile(File file) throws Exception {

        BufferedReader reader = null;
        boolean done = false;

        //Open file
        try {
            //noinspection resource
            reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
            done = true;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            log.error(file + " could not be opened.", e);
        //Read/parse the file
        if (done) {

            try {
                if (!parseFile(reader)) {
                    done = false;
                    log.error("The file " + file + " has unknown format.");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                done = false;
                log.error("Error while reading the file " +
                        file + " : " + ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e), e);



        return done;

    private static void closeReader(BufferedReader reader) {

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Cannot close file " + reader +
                    " : " + ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e), e);

     * Read file content and store it into the memory
     * Comments on the SHEF file format:
     * - The method recognises .ER and .Ed lines only (d=digit)
     * - All other lines are ignored at the moment
     * <p/>
     * Note:
     * We assume that the fields are separated by spaces and that the
     * .ER and .E records do not contain timeseries data!
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    private boolean parseFile(BufferedReader reader) throws Exception {

        boolean okay = true;
        String line;

        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && okay) {
            StringBuilder commentFreeLine = removeCommentsFromLine(line);
            String[] pieces = TextUtils.split(commentFreeLine.toString(), ':', '\0', quoteChar, false);
            //noinspection UnusedAssignment
            String[] fields = TextUtils.split(pieces[0], ' ', '\0', quoteChar, true);

            // get fields, first part is split by space next part by '/'

            // first split with separator '/' will split up line in first part containing spaces (position part)
            // followed by the datastring fields (separated by '/')
            String[] tmpPieces = pieces[0].split("/");
            String[] positionFields = TextUtils.split(tmpPieces[0], ' ', '\"');
            firstSlashSeparatorIdx = positionFields.length;
            fields = new String[tmpPieces.length + positionFields.length - 1];
            System.arraycopy(positionFields, 0, fields, 0, positionFields.length);
            System.arraycopy(tmpPieces, 1, fields, positionFields.length, tmpPieces.length - 1);

            //Header lines start with .E or .ER (but may comtain data)
            //Data-only lines start with .Ed or .ERd - d a digit
            if (fields.length > 0) {
                if (COMPILE_PATTERN_A_CONTINUATION.matcher(fields[0]).matches()) {
                } else if (COMPILE_PATTERN_ER_AR.matcher(fields[0]).matches()) {
                    this.messageType = COMPILE_PATTERN_ER.matcher(fields[0]).matches() ? E_TYPE : A_TYPE;
                    // bug in OHD output for .A messages. missing '/' slash between parameter id and
                    // value. Remove this when fixed
                    if (this.messageType == A_TYPE) {
                        String[] splitfields = TextUtils.split(fields[fields.length - 1], ' ', '\"');
                        if (splitfields.length > 1) {
                            String[] tmpFields = new String[fields.length + 1];
                            System.arraycopy(fields, 0, tmpFields, 0, fields.length - 1);
                            System.arraycopy(splitfields, 0, tmpFields, fields.length - 1, 2);
                            fields = tmpFields;
                    if (SINGLE_LOCATION_MULTIPLE_PARAMETERS_TYPE.equals(fields[0])) {
                        // .A type no headers all data is on one line with multiple parameters.
                    } else {
                        // .AR type. Revision on earlier measurement. Assumption is that only one parameter at a time is passed.
                        okay = getSeriesParameters(fields);
                        if (okay) {
                            // see if there are any values on this row, if so start fill series data
                            // because parameter and timestep are mandatory values can be started
                            // from firstSlashSeparator untill end of fields
                            if (fields.length == (firstSlashSeparatorIdx + 2) && SINGLE_LOCATION_MULTIPLE_PARAMETERS_CONTINUATION_TYPE.equals(fields[0])) {
                                String value = fields[fields.length - 1];
                                okay = getContinuationSeriesData(value);
                            if (fields.length > firstSlashSeparatorIdx + 2) {

                                for (int i = firstSlashSeparatorIdx + 2; i < fields.length; i++) {
                                    if (isFloat(fields[i])) {
                                        String[] values = new String[fields.length - i];
                                        System.arraycopy(fields, i, values, 0, fields.length - i);
                                        okay = getSeriesData(values);
                } else if (COMPILE_PATTERN_B_HEADER.matcher(fields[0]).matches()) {
                    // parse complete .B type record
                    parseMultipleLocationMultipleParametersSeries(fields, reader);
                } else if (COMPILE_PATTERN_ER_D_AR_D.matcher(fields[0]).matches()) {
                    // continued line
                    String[] datafields;
                    if (positionFields.length == 1 && separatorOnLastLine) {
                        // slash between rowcontinuation and first value. If previous line ended with a slash
                        // a null value is assumed
                        fields[0] = null;
                        datafields = fields;
                    } else {
                        // skip first column with normal linecontinuation
                        datafields = new String[fields.length - 1];
                        System.arraycopy(fields, 1, datafields, 0, fields.length - 1);
                    okay = getSeriesData(datafields);
                separatorOnLastLine = line.endsWith("/");

        return okay;

    private static StringBuilder removeCommentsFromLine(String line) {
        //Split the line into separate fields:
        //Remove any comment first
        String[] piecesWithComments = TextUtils.split(line, ':', ':', quoteChar, true);
        StringBuilder commentFreeLine = new StringBuilder(line.length());
        if (!line.contains(":")) {
        } else {
            int togglePosition = 0;
            if (line.startsWith(":")) {
                togglePosition = 1; // if the line starts with a : , the first entry should be skipped.
            if (piecesWithComments.length > 0) {
                // we found some comments.
                for (int i = 0; i < piecesWithComments.length; i++) {
                    if (i % 2 == togglePosition) {
                        // the comment toggle is off.
                        // see:
 else {
      return commentFreeLine;

        return commentFreeLine;

    private static boolean isFloat(String value) {
        try {
            //noinspection UnusedDeclaration
            Float f = TextUtils.parseFloat(value);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    // Read a complete set of .B type records spanning multiple lines
    private void parseMultipleLocationMultipleParametersSeries(String[] fields, BufferedReader reader) throws Exception {
        // get time, as a combination of date, [observation time]
        String date = fields[2];

        int ifield = 3;
        while (!COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {
        String observationTime = fields[ifield];

        // The start date/time, and the time step:
        time = parseDate(date, observationTime);

        // skip optional D* fields
        while (COMPILE_PATTERN_D.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {

        // The list of parameter/time shift headers, including .Bp continuation lines, if any
        String line;
        String header;
        List<String> headerList = new ArrayList<>();
        do {
            for (int i = ifield; i < headerList.addAll(Arrays.asList(fields).subList(ifield, fields.length));fields.length; i++) {
                if (!COMPILE_PATTERN_DU.matcher(fields[i]).matches()) headerList.add(fields[i]);
            // continue on next line ?
            line = removeCommentsFromLine(reader.readLine()).toString();
            line = line.replace("  ", " ");
            int ix = line.indexOf(" ");
            header = ix > 0 ? line.substring(0, ix) : "";
            String newline = line.substring(ix + 1).replace(" ", "");
            fields = TextUtils.split(newline, '/');
            // some inconsistency in '/' separators on continuation lines !
            ifield = TextUtils.equals(fields[0].trim(), "") ? 1 : 0;
        } while (COMPILE_PATTERN_B_CONTINUATION.matcher(header).matches());

        // The data lines
        do {
            line = removeCommentsFromLine(line).toString();
            line = line.replace("  ", " ");
            if (!line.isEmpty()) {
                int ix = line.indexOf(" ");
                String location = line.substring(0, ix);
                line = line.substring(ix + 1).replace(" ", "");
                fields = TextUtils.split(line, '/');
                writeBFormatLineContent(time, location, headerList, fields);
        } while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && !line.contains(END_TOKEN_TYPE));

    private void writeBFormatLineContent(long time, String location, List<String> headerList, String[] fields) throws Exception {
        DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();
        long startTime = time;
        int iheaderiHeader = 0;
        for (int ifieldiField = 0; ifieldiField < fields.length; ifieldiField++) {
            // in addition to parameter names, header may contain "DRx" date/time shift codes
            while (COMPILE_PATTERN_DR_SHIFT.matcher(headerList.get(iheaderiHeader)).matches()) {
                time = applyDateTimeShift(startTime, headerList.get(iheaderiHeader));
            // in addition to location code, line may contain date-time override code
            while (COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR.matcher(fields[ifieldiField]).matches()) {
                time = applyDateTimeOverride(startTime, fields[ifieldiField]);
            String text = fields[ifieldiField].trim();
            float value = TextUtilstext.equalsisEmpty("", text) || TextUtils.equals("+", text) || TextUtils.equals("M", text) ? Float.NaN : Float.parseFloat(text);

    private long applyDateTimeOverride(long time, String token) throws Exception {
        if (!COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR.matcher(token).matches()) return time;

        String value = token.substring(2);
        String code = token.substring(0, 2);
        switch (code) {
            case "DY":
                 calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2)));
time = applydateTimeYear(value, true);
           calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(2, 4)));
 case "DM":
                 calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(4, 6))time = applyDateTimeMonth(value, true);
                calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(6, 8)))break;
                calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(8, 10)));case "DD":
                if (value.length() > 10) calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(10))time = applyDateTimeDay(value);
            case "DMDH":
                 calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2))time = applyDateTimeHour(value);
                  calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(2, 4)))break;
            case "DN":
                time = applyDateTimeMinute(value);
            case "DS":
                time = applyDateTimeSeconds(value);
                throw new Exception("ShefTimeSeriesParser: invalid 'Date/Time override code' : " + token);
        return time;

    private long applydateTimeYear(String value, boolean fixCentury) {
        int i = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2));
        if (fixCentury) {
            // see SHEF coding manual 4.1.4 : a 10 year in the future and 90 year in the past window is used to assign the century
            int y = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            int c = y / 100;
            if (100 * c + i > y + 10) c--;
            i = 100 * c + i;
        calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseIntYEAR, i);
        return applyDateTimeMonth(value.substring(42), 6))false);

    private long applyDateTimeMonth(String value, boolean fixYear) {
        int  calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE,i = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(60, 8)2));
        if (fixYear) {
      if (value.length() > 8) calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(8)));
            case "DD": // see SHEF coding manual 4.1.4 : a 12-month window is used to assign the year that causes the date code to be nearest the system/start date
            int m  = calendar.setget(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2))).MONTH) +1;
            int y  = calendar.setget(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(2, 4))YEAR);
            if (i >  calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(4,m + 6)));
            } else if (value.length() > 6) calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(6)));i <= m - 6) {
            case "DH":
            calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2))YEAR, y);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTEMONTH, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(2, 4)) i - 1);
                if return applyDateTimeDay(value.lengthsubstring(2) > 4) {);

    private long applyDateTimeDay(String value) {
        calendar.set(Calendar.SECONDDATE, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(40, 62)));
        return applyDateTimeHour(value.substring(2));

    private long applyDateTimeHour(String value) }{
                breakcalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2)));
        return applyDateTimeMinute(value.substring(2));
   case "DN": }

    private long applyDateTimeMinute(String value) {
        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2)));
                if return applyDateTimeSeconds(value.lengthsubstring(2));
  > 2) {}

    private long applyDateTimeSeconds(String value) {
           if (!value.isEmpty()) calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(20, 42)));
            return calendar.getTimeInMillis();

    private long applyDateTimeShift(long time, String token) {
   case "DS":
    // see SHEF_CodeManual_5July2012.pdf table 13a
        calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, 2)));
    if (token.indexOf("DR") != 0) return time;

        String unit =  default:token.substring(2, 3).toUpperCase();
        int increment       throw new Exception("ShefTimeSeriesParser: invalid 'Date/Time override code' : " + token);
= Integer.parseInt(token.substring(3));
        switch (unit) {
  case "S":
     return calendar.getTimeInMillis();

    private long applyDateTimeShift(long time, String token) {
calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, increment);
         // see SHEF_CodeManual_5July2012.pdf table 13a
     if (token.indexOf("DR") != 0) return time;

  case "N":
        String unit = tokencalendar.substringadd(2Calendar.MINUTE, 3).toUpperCase();
   int increment = Integer.parseInt(token.substring(3));
        switch (unit) {break;
            case "SH":
                calendar.add(Calendar.SECONDHOUR_OF_DAY, increment);
            case "ND":
                calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTEDATE, increment);
            case "HM":
                calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAYMONTH, increment);
                throw casenew "D":
IllegalArgumentException("ShefTimeSeriesParser: invalid 'Date Relative code' : " + token);
        return calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, increment);

    // Continuation of .A field with multiple parameters per line.
    private void parseMultiParameterContinuationSeriesData(String[] fields) {
     DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();
   case "M":
        List<String> parameterValueList = new calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, incrementArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 1; i <  breakfields.length;
 i++) {
  if (fields[i] == null) continue;
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("ShefTimeSeriesParser: invalid 'Date Relative code' : " + token String[] result = fields[i].split(" ");
        return calendar.getTimeInMillis(parameterValueList.addAll(Arrays.asList(result));

    // Continuation of .A field with multiple parameters per line. writeMultipleParametersSeries(timeSeriesHeader, parameterValueList);


    private void parseMultiParameterContinuationSeriesData(String[] fieldswriteMultipleParametersSeries(DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader, List<String> parameterValueList) {
        DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();
        List<String> parameterValueList = new ArrayList<>();
  if (parameterValueList.size() % 2 != 0) {
      for (int i = 1; i <if fields.length; i++(!parameterValueList.isEmpty()) {
            if (fields[i] == null) continue;
            String[] result = fields[i].split(" ");
 // Check on special symbols like DC (date creation).
                String code = parameterValueList.addAll(Arrays.asList(result)get(0);
       if writeMultipleParametersSeries(timeSeriesHeader, parameterValueList);


    private void writeMultipleParametersSeries(DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader, List<String> parameterValueList) {
    (code.startsWith("DC")) return; // Creation date. Can be ignored.
    if (parameterValueList.size() % 2 != 0) {
          if (!parameterValueList.isEmpty()) {
            log.warn("SHEF import line of  // Check on special symbols like DC (date creation).
       type .A[0-9]* (single station, multiple parameters) doesn't contain a consistent number of parameters and values. Skipping line");
         String code = parameterValueList.get(0) return;
        iffor (code.startsWith("DC")) return; // Creation date. Can be ignored.
int i = 0; i < parameterValueList.size() / 2; i++) {
            String paramId = parameterValueList.get(i * }2);
            float value 
     = parseValue(parameterValueList.get(i * 2 + 1));
       log.warn("SHEF import line of type .A[0-9]* (single station, multiple parameters) doesn't contain a consistent number of parameters and values. Skipping line"timeSeriesHeader.setParameterId(paramId);
     for (int i = 0; i < parameterValueListcontentHandler.sizeapplyCurrentFields() / 2;
 i++) {

   String paramIdprivate =void parameterValueList.get(i * 2);
parseMultiParameterSeriesData(String[] fields) {
        // .A ANAW1 20170215 P floatDH2400 value/DH08 = parseValue(parameterValueList.get(i * 2 + 1));/HGIRX 8.37 /QRIRX 41.69
        // Couting fields  timeSeriesHeader.setParameterId(paramId);from 0:
        // Field 1  contentHandler.setTimeSeriesHeader(timeSeriesHeader);
    is the name of the location
            contentHandler.setValue(value);// Field 2 is the date (possibly without a year)

        // Skip all /D contentHandlerparts.applyCurrentFields();

    private// void parseMultiParameterSeriesData(String[] fields) {parameter code 1
        // .A ANAW1 20170215 P DH2400 /DH08 /HGIRX 8.37 /QRIRX 41.69 parameter value 1
        // ..
        // Coutingparameter fields from 0:code N
        // parameter Fieldvalue 1 isN

 the name of the location
   // get location id
  // Field 2 is the date (possiblyString withoutlocationId a year)

= fields[1];
        String date // Skip all /D parts.
= fields[2];
        String observationTime = "";

        // parameterget codetime, 1
as a combination of date, [observation  time]
 // parameter value 1
    // get observation time //if ..exist
        //int parameterifield code= N3;
        for (; //ifield parameter value  N
< fields.length; ifield++) {
        // get location id
 if   (COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {
    String locationId = fields[1];
        String dateobservationTime = fields[2ifield];
             String observationTime = ""break;

           // get}
 time, as a combination of date, [observation time]}
        // getThe observationstart date/time, and the iftime existstep:
        inttime ifield = 3= parseDate(date, observationTime);
        foraContinuationLocationId (; ifield < fields.length; ifield++) {=locationId; // Keep location id in case .A continutations are found.

        DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader =  if (COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {
          new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();
      observationTime = fields[ifield] timeSeriesHeader.setLocationId(locationId);
        ifield        break= firstSlashSeparatorIdx;
        // get parameter  }
id, i.e. the first field without a D in prefix
        for (; //ifield The start date/time, and the time step:
< fields.length; ifield++) {
           time = parseDate(date, observationTime);
 if (!COMPILE_PATTERN_D.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {
       aContinuationLocationId =locationId; // Keep location id in case .A continutationsbreak;
 are found.

        DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();
  // Index of first parameter was timeSeriesHeaderfound.setLocationId(locationId);
          ifield = firstSlashSeparatorIdx;}
 get parameter id, i.e. the first field withoutList<String> aparameterValueList D= in prefixnew ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = ifield; ifieldi < fields.length; ifieldi++) {
            if (!COMPILE_PATTERN_D.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {i] == null) continue;
            String[] result =  break;
   fields[i].split(" ");
     // Index of first parameter was found.writeMultipleParametersSeries(timeSeriesHeader, parameterValueList);
    private boolean getSeriesParameters(String[] fields) }{
        List<String>// parameterValueListCouting =fields new ArrayList<>();from 0:
        for// (intField i1 =is ifield;the iname < fields.length; i++) {
of the location
        // Field 2 is the ifdate (fields[i] == null) continue;possibly without a year)
            String[] result = fields[i].split(" ");
    // Field 3 is the timezone (optional!)
        for// (intobservation j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
     time (optional)
        // creation date (optional)
        // units code parameterValueList.add(result[j]);(optional)
        // Data string qualifier }
        // Duration code }(optional)
         writeMultipleParametersSeries(timeSeriesHeader, parameterValueList);// parameter code
// the time interval private(only boolean getSeriesParameters(String[] fields) {for .E messages)

        // Coutingget fields from 0:
location id
        String //locationId Field= 1 is the name of the location
        String date = fields[2];
  // Field 2 is the date (possiblyString withoutobservationTime a year)= "";
        // Fieldget 3time, isas thea timezone (optional!)
        // observation time (optional)combination of date, [observation time]
        // get observation creationtime dateif (optional)exist
        //int unitsifield code (optional)
= 3;
        for //(; Dataifield string qualifier (optional)
< fields.length; ifield++) {
          // Duration code (optional)
 if (COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {
       // parameter code
       observationTime // the time interval (only for .E messages)

= fields[ifield];
              // get locationbreak;
        String locationId = fields[1];}
 String date = fields[2];
    // The start date/time, Stringand observationTimethe = "";time step:
        //time get= time, as a combination of date, [observation time]parseDate(date, observationTime);
        ifield = firstSlashSeparatorIdx;
        // get observation time if exist parameter id, i.e. the first field without a D in prefix
        intString ifieldparameterId = 3null;
        for (; ifield < fields.length; ifield++) {
            if (!COMPILE_PATTERN_D_STAR.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {
                observationTime = fields[ifield];
        // The start date/time, and the time step:
        timeparameterId = parseDate(date, observationTime);
              ifield = firstSlashSeparatorIdxbreak;
        // get parameter id, i.e. the first field without a D in prefix
        String parameterId = null; }
        // get timestep field, mandatory only for .E messages
        for (; ifield < fields.length; ifield++) {
            if (!COMPILE_PATTERN_DDI.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {
                String parameterIdtimestep = fields[ifield];
dtime            }
        // get timestep field, mandatory only for .E messages
= parseTimeStep(timestep);
               for (break;
  ifield < fields.length; ifield++) {
      if (COMPILE_PATTERN_DI.matcher(fields[ifield]).matches()) {

        DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeader();

     String timestep = fields[ifield] timeSeriesHeader.setLocationId(locationId);

        if dtime(this.messageType == parseTimeStep(timestep);E_TYPE) {
            TimeStep relativeEqTimeStep =  breakRelativeEquidistantTimeStep.getInstance(dtime, time);
timeSeriesHeader.setTimeStep(SimpleEquidistantTimeStep.getInstance(relativeEqTimeStep.getMaximumStepMillis())); //supports only equidistant time steps, see parseTimeStep
        DefaultTimeSeriesHeader timeSeriesHeader = new DefaultTimeSeriesHeadertimeSeriesHeader.setForecastTime(time);



        if (this.messageType == E_TYPE) {
            TimeStepreturn relativeEqTimeSteptime != RelativeEquidistantTimeStep.getInstance(dtime, time);
    0 && dtime != 0; //AM: error conditions?
        } else {
         timeSeriesHeader.setTimeStep(SimpleEquidistantTimeStep.getInstance(relativeEqTimeStep.getMaximumStepMillis())); //supports only equidistantreturn time steps, see parseTimeStep!= 0;

    private boolean getSeriesData(String[] fields)  }{

        for contentHandler.setTimeSeriesHeader(timeSeriesHeader);

        if (this.messageType == E_TYPE(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            returnfloat timevalue != 0 && dtime != 0; //AM: error conditions?= parseValue(fields[i]);

        } else {
         return time != 0;

  time += }
    private boolean getSeriesData(String[] fields) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
    return true;

    private boolean getContinuationSeriesData(String valueString) {
        float value = parseValue(fields[i]valueString);


        return true;
    time += dtime;

    private long parseDate(String str, String timestr) }{

        returnint trueyear;

    private boolean getContinuationSeriesData(String valueString) {int month;
        float value = parseValue(valueString);
int day;

        if contentHandler(str.setTime(time);length() == 8) {
    year    contentHandler.applyCurrentFields(= Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0, 4));
        return true;

month    private long parseDate(String str, String timestr) {
= Integer.parseInt(str.substring(4, 6));
        int year;
   day =    int month;
Integer.parseInt(str.substring(6, 8));
        } intelse day;{

            if (str.length() == 86) {
                year = 100 * (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) /   year =100) + Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0, 42));
                month = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(42, 64));
                day = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(64, 86));
            } else {
                // SHEF code manual 2012 explicitly states:
                // When if“yy” (str.length() == 6) {
year) is not explicitly coded, a 12-month window is used to assign the year that causes the
                // date code to be nearest the current system date yearat =the 100time *of (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) / 100) + Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0, 2));
                // Outside the 12-month current monthdate-centered = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(2, 4));
   default window, a year other than the
             day = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(4, 6));
            } else { // default year must be explicitly specified. Also, exercise caution when choosing not to explicitly
                // onlycode onlyyear monthin and day are given according to shef 2.0 spec take the last 12 monthsSHEF messages. If these messages are archived in raw form, header records must
                // beforebe currentadded and takein the yeararchive thatfunction matchesto themake monthfuture day. i.e. check if date is in futuredetermination of the correct year possible for
                // with current year, if so take last yearretrieval software.
                year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                month = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0, 2));
                day = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(2, 4));

                if (month > calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 5) {
                if (month < calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) - 6) {

        // The time string (actually a composite thing)
        // We expect something like: DH12/... If not, ignore this field
        // -- AM: TODO!
        int hour = 0;
        int minute = 0;
        int second = 0;
        if (COMPILE_PATTERN_DH_DD.matcher(timestr).matches()) {
            hour = Integer.parseInt(timestr.substring(2, 4));
            if (timestr.length() == 6) {
                minute = TextUtils.tryParseInt(timestr.substring(4, 6), 0);
            if (timestr.length() == 8) {
                second = TextUtils.tryParseInt(timestr.substring(6, 8), 0);


        //noinspection MagicConstant
        calendar.set(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, second); /* Correct for the offset: month numbers start at 0*/
        return calendar.getTimeInMillis();

    private static long parseTimeStep(String str) {

        long scale;
        long value = Long.parseLong(COMPILE_PATTERN_START_DIGIT.matcher(str).replaceAll(""));

        if (COMPILE_PATTERN_DIH.matcher(str).matches()) {
            scale = 3600 * 1000;
        } else if (COMPILE_PATTERN_DIN.matcher(str).matches()) {
            scale = 60 * 1000;
        } else if (COMPILE_PATTERN_DID.matcher(str).matches()) {
            scale = 86400 * 1000;
        } else {
            scale = 0;

        return scale * value;

    private static float parseValue(String valueText) {

        float value = Float.NaN;

        if (valueText != null) {
            valueText = valueText.trim();
            if (!valueText.isEmpty()) {
                // Missing value can be marked +, -, m, mm, M, MM, -9999
                if (!(valueText.equalsIgnoreCase("M") || valueText.equalsIgnoreCase("MM") || valueText.equalsIgnoreCase("-") ||
                        valueText.equalsIgnoreCase("+") || valueText.equalsIgnoreCase("-9999"))) {
                    try {
                        value = TextUtils.parseFloat(valueText);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        // TODO : According to the specs of SHEF:
                        // If no legitimate value is found, the value is treated as a null field or no report.
                        // So we should return missingValue
                        value = Float.NaN;
        return value;
