Versions Compared


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This page contains a list of configuration checks/improvements. . Please follow the checks below to check your configuration of the open archive.

1) Verify the maximum number of file descriptors and vm.max_map_count (Linux only)

Both the maximum number of file descriptors and the vm.max_map_count needed need to be set correctly when you run the archive on a linux-system.

More information can be found here: Deltares Open Archive Installation path - 2018.02 and later- 2022.02(linux only, tune the file system)

2) Elastic settings Prevent that elastic goes into read-only mode

Elastic goes by default to read-only mode when the available disk-space is lower then 5%. In addition elastic will not switch back to write mode when disk space is made available again.

It is therefore recommended to replace these default settings. Read in the following page more on how to prevent that the catalogue goes into read-ony mode: Catalogue read-only mode more about how this can be done.

3) disable indexing forecast time series

By default the forecast time series are also indexed in the catalogue. This is a time-consuming process. However this is not needed for most archive systems. If possible this indexing should be disabled. This will greatly increase the performance of the harvester.
