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There are a few ways to define the proxy settings that should be used by the application, whether OC or FSS. By default does JAVA not use the LAN system proxy settings

The easiest way is to define the JAVA system property in the .JPIF. By default does JAVA not use the LAN system proxy settings for JAVA backwards compatibility reason. You should define this property to true to use the default LAN settings.

Before 2014.02 using jpif file


Since 2022.01 by default the Windows OS / Linux Gnome proxy settings are used by FEWS. You can add


Since 2014.02, in the ini file


false as jvmOption to the clientConfig.xml to get the 2021.02 or earlier behavior.

If you have proxy settings different from LAN, you can explicitely define them in the .JPIFexplicitly define these also.
All below listed settings are optional and only required, if it differs from the default setting. For example, it is possible to define only the proxyHost.

Before 2014.02 in the jpif file:

Note that the below "http" keys should be replaced by "https" if the proxy server has an https based url.

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in case of http and not https:
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proxyHostname, or IP-address]</jvmOption>
<jvmOption>-Dhttp.proxyPort=[proxyPortNumber, default 80]</jvmOption>

Since 2014.02 in the ini file:

Code Block

or in case of https:
<jvmOption>-Dhttps.proxyHost=[proxyHostname, or IP-address]</jvmOption>
<jvmOption>-Dhttps.proxyPort=[proxyPortNumber, default 80]



when in doubt, use both

Since java 8, basic authentication is disabled by default. See also: This can be enabled using the following properties:

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