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input files containing meteorological time series such as wind velocity, velocityair pressure, air temperature.


Space varying wind and pressure input files (meteofiles)

At present, for different wind meteo input files, different headers are used, which are read in different ways in the sourcecodesource code. Some effort has been put in making the files more self-descriptive, readible readable and to make the input of the different files more consistent. For three four wind-input options, a suggestion to standardise the headers is shown below. The suggestion is conform a possible transition to NetCDF format in the future. See NetCDF standard names for more information on the used standard NetCDF names. For Pseudo ArcInfo wind, wind meteo on the FLOW grid, meteo on an equidistant (rectilinear or spherical) grid, meteo on a separate curvi-linear curvilinear grid and Spiderweb wind three meteo on a Spiderweb grid, examples of input files are shown below.

  • Keywords are case INsensitive.
  • Comments are indicated by a #


  • .
  • The keyword FileVersion (= 1.02) must be the first keyword, the order of the other keywords is free to choose.
  • The pressure correction on boundaries using Paver and Pcorr, which used to be prescribed in the air pressure meteo file, has been moved to the MD-File. The correction is specified using the keyword:
    PavBnd (P average on Boundaries). This average pressure is applied on all boundaries to reduce pressure gradients there. The average pressure needs to be specified in Pascals.


  • Meteo on the FLOW grid:
    For meteo on the FLOW grid, the wind velocities and air pressure are specified in 1 file, using the keyword:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
FileVersion     =    1.02
  • Pseudo ArcInfo wind:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.0                                                # Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =    arcinfo                                            # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -9999.000                                          # Value used for undefined or missing data
n_cols           =    400                                                # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows           =    16              # Version of meteo input file, to check if the newest file format is used
filetype        =    meteo_on_flow_grid         # Number of rows used for wind datafield
grid_unit        =    degree      # Type of meteo input file: meteo_on_flow_grid, meteo_on_equidistant_grid, meteo_on_curvilinear_grid or meteo_on_spiderweb_grid
NODATA_value    =    -9.9900000E+02                     # Unit of distances on  the grid in both x- and y-direction
#grid_unit     # Value used =for undefined or missing mdata
xn_llcornerquantity      = =   3 -12.000                                            # Xcoordinate of lower left corner of# gridNumber (inof unitsquantities specifiedprescribed in grid_unit)
y_llcorner the file
quantity1       =    x_wind  48.000                                            # YcoordinateName of lowerquantity1
quantity2 left corner of grid (in units specified= in grid_unit)
value_pos  y_wind      =    centre                                    # Name of quantity2
quantity3      # Location= where the data isair_pressure specified in a cell (centre or corner)
#value_pos        =    corner                      # Name of quantity3
dxunit1           =    =m s-1   0.12500                                            # GridUnit dimensions: dx and dy (in units specified in grid_unit)
dyof quantity1
unit2           =    m s-1      =    0.083333333                                     # Unit of 
unit3         =  =  3  mbar                                                # NumberUnit of quantitiesquantity3
### prescribedEND inOF the fileHEADER
quantity1TIME  =   0 minutes since =    x_wind2008-01-08 00:00:00 +00:00                     # Fixed format: <time> <time unit> "since" <date> <time> <time zone> 
   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00  # Name0.0000000E+00 of quantity1
#quantity1        =    y_wind                                             # Name of quantity1
#quantity1        =    air_pressure                                       # Name of quantity1
unit1            =    m s-1 0.0000000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -8.6049000E+00  -1.0240000E+01  -5.4150000E+00  -1.8900000E+00  -2.9040000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01
  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01
   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03
   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03
TIME  =   660 minutes since 2008-01-08 00:00:00 +00:00                   # Fixed format: <time> <time unit> "since" <date> <time> <time zone> 
   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -2.3290000E+00  -9.0440000E+00  -1.3230000E+01  -8.3310000E+00  -6.9210000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -1.0000000E+01  -1.1000000E+01  -1.2000000E+01  -1.5000000E+01  -1.8000000E+01  -1.4000000E+01  -1.2000000E+01  -0.8000000E+01
  -1.2000000E+01  -1.6000000E+01  -1.2000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -0.7000000E+01  -0.4000000E+01   0.0000000E+00  -0.3000000E+01
   1.0130000E+03   1.0140000E+03   1.0140000E+03   1.0160000E+03   1.0120000E+03   1.0120000E+03   1.0180000E+03   1.0200000E+03
   1.0160000E+03   1.0140000E+03   1.0110000E+03   1.0130000E+03   1.0110000E+03   1.0180000E+03   1.0150000E+03   1.0130000E+03
  • Meteo on an equidistant grid:
    For meteo on an equidistant grid, the wind velocities and air pressure are specified in 3 separate files using the keywords:
    and Filwr, Filwt, Filwc for relative humidity, air temperature and cloudiness respectively.
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.02                                               # Version of meteo input file, to check if the newest file format is used
filetype         =    meteo_on_equidistant_grid                          # Type of meteo input file: meteo_on_flow_grid, meteo_on_equidistant_grid, meteo_on_curvilinear_grid or meteo_on_spiderweb_grid
NODATA_value     =    -9999# Unit of quantity1
#unit1            =    Pa                                                 # Unit of quantity1
TIME             =   0 minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00          # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
time             =   1440 minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00   # Value used for #undefined Fixedor format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
 2.435253missing data
n_cols           =    400   2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    # Number of 2.435253columns used for wind datafield
n_rows   2.435253    
 65.01978   =    75.1185916       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649 # Number of rows used for 159.8090    
 5298.544wind datafield
grid_unit        = 5298.544   degree    5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544# Unit of distances on the grid 5298.544in both x-  
  • Wind on a separate curvi-linear grid:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersionand y-direction: m or degree
x_llcorner       =    -12.000                =    1.0                        # Xcoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
y_llcorner       =     #48.000 Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =    curvi                 # Ycoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
value_pos        =    centre     # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -999.999                     # Coordinates given in centre or corner of lower left cell?
dx            # Value used for= undefined or missing data
curvi_grid_file 0.12500  =    hirlam.grd                                      # Grid dimensions: #dx Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind can be specified
first_data_value =    grid_llcorner    and dy (in units specified in grid_unit)
dy               =    0.083333333                                  # Options: grid_llcorner, grid_ul_corner, grid_lrcorner or grid_urcorner
datan_rowquantity       =  =  1  grid_row                                           # Options: grid_row or grid_col. For# switchingNumber rowsof and columns.
n_quantity   quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1    =    1=     x_wind                                             # NumberName of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1quantity1 (x_wind, y_wind or air_pressure)
unit1            =    x_wind m s-1                                              # NameUnit of quantity1
#quantity1 (m s-1 for velocities or Pa/mbar  =    y_windfor air_pressure)
TIME             =   0 minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00          # Fixed format: <time> <time unit> "since" <date> <time> <time zone> 
 1.388999   # Name of quantity1
#quantity1  1.388999      = 1.388999   air_pressure    1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999 # Name of quantity1
unit1   1.388999    
 2.388999    =    m s-1 2.388999       2.388999       2.388999       2.388999      2.388999       2.388999       2.388999       2.388999    # Unit of quantity1
#unit1 2.388999    
 3.388999       =3.388999    Pa   3.388999       3.388999       3.388999      3.388999       3.388999       3.388999       3.388999     # Unit of quantity1
### END OF HEADER3.388999    
TIME             =   1440 0minutes hours since 20062007-0110-0108 0015:0024:00 -0602:00           # Fixed format: time<time> <time unitunit> "since" date<date> time<time> time<time differencezone> (time zone)  1.388999
 2.435253       12.388999435253       15.388999435253       1.388999435253       13.388999435253      14.388999435253       12.388999435253       12.388999557653       12.388999412253       12.388999435255    
 1551.0000435253       3462.2500435253       3571.5000435253       82.750000435253       201.00000435253      312.25000435253       421.50000435253       531.75000435253       652.00000435253       761.25000435251    
 53004.000435253       53004.000435253       53001.000435253       53003.000355253       53003.000456253      53005.000425253       53001.000223453       53005.000523341       53005.000521246       53003.000255258    
TIME             =    1440 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00        # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone)  2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253
  • Explanation of the data to grid conversion for meteo on an equidistant grid

For meteo on an equidistant grid the orientation of the data is the same as the grid (visually). The first data value is thus located at the grid at (1,nmax). A line is then read as a row on the grid and the second line in the dataset is row nmax-1 on the grid. See also figure 1.

Image Added
Figure 1: Data to grid conversion for meteo on an equidistant grid.

  • Meteo on a separate curvilinear grid:
    For meteo on a separate curvilinear grid, the wind velocities and air pressure are specified in 3 separate files using the keywords:
    and Fwndgr, Fwndgt, Fwndgc for relative humidity, air temperature and cloudiness respectively.
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.02       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833 # Version of meteo input file, 126.7762to check if the newest file format 137.5612 is used
filetype      148.5649   =    159.8090meteo_on_curvilinear_grid    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544# Type of meteo input file:  5298.544      5298.544  meteo_on_flow_grid, meteo_on_equidistant_grid, meteo_on_curvilinear_grid or meteo_on_spiderweb_grid
NODATA_value     =     5298-999.544999       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544    
  • Spiderweb wind:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion Value used for undefined or missing data
grid_file        =    1hirlam.0grd                                         # Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind #can Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotypebe specified
first_data_value =    grid_llcorner                =    spiderweb                  # Options: grid_llcorner, grid_ul_corner, grid_lrcorner or grid_urcorner
data_row         =    grid_row     # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -999.000                   # Options: grid_row or grid_col. For switching rows and columns.
n_quantity       =    1    # Value used for undefined or missing data
n_cols           =    400                        # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1        =    x_wind     # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows           =    16                  # Name of quantity1 (x_wind, y_wind, air_pressure, relative_humidity, air_temperature or cloudiness)
unit1            =    m s-1    # Number of rows used for wind datafield
spw_radius       =    600000.00                        # Unit of quantity1 (m s-1 for velocities, Pa/ mbar for air_pressure, % for relative_humidity or cloudiness and #Celcius Radius of spiderweb (in units specified in rad_unit)
spw_rad_unit     =for air_temperature)
TIME      m       =    0 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00           # Fixed format: <time> <time unit> "since" <date> <time> <time zone> 
101530.000       101300.000     # Unit of101600.000 radius 
n_quantity     101550.000  =    3 101500.000      101300.000       1013300.000       101400.000       
101430.000       101500.000       101130.000       101320.000 # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1101260.000      101620.000   =    wind_speed1013400.000       101520.000       
TIME             =    1440 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00     # Name of quantity1
quantity2# Fixed format: <time> <time unit> "since" <date> =<time> <time zone>  wind_from_direction
101298.544       102108.102       101998.521       101928.544       101721.314     # Name101811.152 of quantity2
quantity3     1013410.400   =    air_pressure_drop101323.214
101430.000       101500.000       101130.000       101320.000       101260.000      #101620.000 Name of quantity3
unit1    1013400.000       101520.000
  • Explanation of the data to grid conversion for wind on a separate curvilinear grid.

The first_data_value keyword is used to determine the starting point on the grid. The first_data_value is the first value that is read in the meteo file, i.e. the upper left value in a data block. The keyword has 4 possible values:

grid_llcorner, meaning m = 1, n = 1 (on the curvilinear grid)
grid_lrcorner, meaning m = mmax, n = 1 ( " )
grid_ulcorner, meaning m = 1, n = nmax ( " )
grid_urcorner, meaning m = mmax, n = nmax ( " )

The data_row keyword is then used to determine the direction of placing the data on the grid, i.e. data_row = grid_column means that a row that is read in the meteo file becomes a column in the array on the grid (so fixed m, increasing n).


Code Block

first_data_value = grid_ll_corner
data_row = grid_column

The first read value (top left) of the meteofile coincides with the point (1,1) on the grid. The first row in the meteofile is then the first column on the grid, i.e. (1,1:nmax). The second row is then the second column (2,1:nmax) and so on. See also Figure 2.

Image Added
Figure 2: Data to grid conversion for wind on a separate curvilinear grid.

  • Meteo on a Spiderweb grid:
    For meteo on a Spiderweb grid, the wind velocities and air pressure are specified in 1 file using the keyword:
    Meteo on a Spiderweb grid can be added to one of the other wind formats. Near and in the cyclone the winds are added using an averaging algorithm.
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.02                                               # Version of meteo input file, to check if the newest file format is used
filetype         =    meteo_on_spiderweb_grid                            # Type of meteo input file: meteo_on_flow_grid, meteo_on_equidistant_grid, meteo_on_curvilinear_grid or meteo_on_spiderweb_grid
NODATA_value     =    -999 =    m s-1                                              # Unit of quantity1
unit2            =    degree                                             # Unit of quantity2
unit3            =    Pa                                                 # Unit of quantity3
TIME             =    0 minutes since 2004-01-03 11:02:00 +01:00         # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
x_spw_eye        =    115.4                                              # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y_spw_eye        =    18.9                                               # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
p_drop_spw_eye   =    5300                                               # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
TIME           # Value used =for undefined or missing data
n_cols 1440 minutes since 2004-01-03 11:02:00 +01:00     = # Fixed format: time16 unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
x_spw_eye        =    114.4000                            # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows        # Xcoordinate of cyclone= eye (Spiderweb centre) at400 specified TIME 
y_spw_eye          =    18.90000                                # Number of rows used for wind datafield
spw_radius    # Ycoordinate of cyclone= eye (Spiderweb centre) at600000.00 specified TIME          
p_drop_spw_eye   =    5300.000                       # Radius of spiderweb (in units specified in rad_unit)
spw_rad_unit     =    m   # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 2.435253       2.435253           2.435253       2.435253       2.435253   # Unit of 2.435253 radius 
n_quantity      2.435253 =    3  2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529 # Number of quantities prescribed 116.1833in the file
quantity1     126.7762   =    137.5612wind_speed       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544
                       # Name of quantity1
quantity2        =    wind_from_direction                                # Name of quantity2
quantity3        =    p_drop                                             # Name of quantity3
unit1            =    m s-1                                              # Unit of quantity1
unit2            =    degree                                             # Unit of quantity2
unit3            =    Pa                                                 # Unit of quantity3
TIME             =    0 minutes since 2004-01-03 11:02:00 +01:00         # Fixed format: <time> <time unit> "since" <date> <time> <time zone> 
x_spw_eye        =    115.4                                              # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y_spw_eye        =    18.9                                               # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
p_drop_spw_eye   =    5300                                               # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
TIME             =    1440 minutes since 2004-01-03 11:02:00 +01:00      # Fixed format: <time> <time unit> "since" <date> <time> <time zone> 
x_spw_eye        =    114.4000                                           # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y_spw_eye        =    18.90000                                           # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME          
p_drop_spw_eye   =    5300.000                                           # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544


  • Explanation of the grid definition for wind on a Spiderweb grid.

The Spiderweb grid is defined using the number of rows 'n_rows' and the number of columns 'n_cols'.
The number of rows is used to divide the radius of the Spiderweb in small rings of width spw_radius/n_rows [m].
The number of columns is used to divide the circle in parts with angles of 2*pi/n_cols [rad].
The wind direction is defined according to the nautical convention, i.e. wind from the North has direction 0 degrees and the angle increases when turning clockwise.
If the grid_unit is 'degree' than the coordinates of the Spiderweb/cyclone eye are given in spherical coordinates using keywords 'x_spw_eye' and 'y_spw_eye'.
For each time of the time series, the coordinates of the Spiderweb eye and the pressure drop in the eye must be specified.