Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


  1. add sheet diff_sim_inp to your spreadsheet
  2. carry out changes in sheet 'runMF':
    • change location set for import of QSRC_GW from file XXX_QSRC_GW_TimeSeries.xml from XXX_wells_all to XXX_wells_singles_and_childs
    • add import of QSRC_GW from file XXX_QSRC_GW_TimeSeries_MultiLayer.xml for XXX_wells_parents
    • check if QSRC_GW from file XXX_QSRC_GW_merged_MapStacks.xml is imported for the merged layer
  3. carry out changes in sheet 'interpolate':
    • add interpolation of QSRC_GW from merged layer to location set 'XXX_parents_and_singles'
    • change the interpolation of QSRC_GW for GWunits from locSet_in=XXX_wells_all to loc_ID=merged layer. Change ValType_in to grid
  1. carry out changes in sheet 'compare':
    • add comparison of QSRC_GW created in 3. for location set 'XXX_parents_and_singles'
  2. run macro 'Write_diff_sim_inp_XMLfiles'
  3. run macro 'Write_runMF_XMLfiles' (make sure you run the macro 'remove' afterwards)
  4. run macro 'Write_interpolate_XMLfiles'
  5. run macro 'Write_compare_XMLfiles'
  6. Check the contents of the created files. It might be wise to validate with an XML-validation tool.
  7. Copy the files which are OK to your configuration --> \Config\ModuleConfigFiles


  1. add location set XXX_wells_parents_and_singles containing the two location sets XXX_wells_parents and XXX_wells_singles
  2. Make sure that the order of the location sets in location set XXX_wells_parents is as follows (otherwise the total for the super parents will not be displayed):
    1)  XXX_wells_normal_parents
    2)  XXX_wells_super_parents
  3. Make sure all locations which refer to super parents are childs or normal parents (no singles!)
  4. Make sure there are no child locations in the single location set !!!
  5. Make sure all single locations are listed in the single location set
  6. Skip this step for now  (this step is in progress) "Update locations spreadsheet"
