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Day 3 Afternoon


Numerical Modelling Techniques

Numerical modelling of the marine environment: from physical processes to ecosystem functioning - Part 2 (Marco Zavatarelli - CONISMA) - 2hr
Models for engineering (Fedor Baart - DELTARES) - 1hr 30min

Day 4 Morning


Data Management

(Fedor Baart - DELTARES and Sylvie Pouliquen -IFREMER–IFREMER, Member of the MyOcean Project)
Data exchange - Progress in the past ten years - 30 min
QC in delayed and real time modes - 1hr
Data formats and archiving - 1hr
Use of climatological data - 30 min
Data mining and Web services - 30 min

> Day 4 Morning - Data Management
> (Fedor Baart - DELTARES and Sylvie Poliquen -IFREMER, Member of the MyOcean Project)
> 09:00-12:30
> Data exchange - Progress in the past ten years - 30 min
> Sylvie will give explain the need for Data Exchange , provide an overview of the progress in the past 10 years taking different : Argo , Real-Time Data Exchange developed by MyOcean and EuroGOOS, Historical Data exchange based on SeaDataNet/IODE and Portal development with EMODDNET-PP
> QC in delayed and real time modes - 30mn + 30 mn
> Sylvie will explain explain the main principals of QC procedures , the importance of flags taking as an example the Temperature and Salinity NRT QC developed for Argo and extended to other platforms. She will also explain the difficulty on Delayed mode QC for autonomous platforms where you can't retrieve the instruments
> Fedor will then take the example of quality checks for sea-level, tidal and bathymetry data both in RT and Delayed mode
> Data formats and archiving - 15 mn +30 min
> Sylvie will introduce the importance of common metadata and vocabularies to be able to set up efficient data exchange and data aggregation
> Fedor will than give more information of the convention that exist to discovery ( ISO19115 - ISO 19119) , Metadata ( CF- convention- SeaDataNet vocabularies) and explainmay through exemple that student would understand haw they are used by the tools
> Use of climatological data -30 min
> Fedor will give an overview of methods used to analyze climatological data. Using the sea-level as an example he shows how to create indicators from a dataset and how much variance can be explained.
> Data mining and Web services - 30 min
> Some common used web services are presented by Fedor Baart (OGC WxS, OPeNDAP).
> Some techniques for data mining are discussed. Probabilistic modelling, parallelizing techniques (map/reduce, mpi).
>> Day 4
>> The services that are presented in the morning will be used in the afternoon.
>> These include at least the following:
>> Getting data from the internet:
>> - A MyOcean netcdf file example from ftp (CF/seadatanet compliant)
>> - A WxS service for tide
>> - An OpenDAP service for bathymetry
> Manipulating the data
> - plot profile and timeseries data from MyOcean FTP server
> - Plot a T section from a float complete data
> - Plot a Sea Level Time serie from a tide gage file
>> Doing quality control:
>> - Myocean data, check the quality flags
>> - Tide service, check which constituents were used.
>> - Bathymetry, check resolution, spikes, interpolation techniques
>> Tools to be used:
>> - ODV for dataset (Sylvie will check if ODV will work with the myocean datasets.)
>> - Qgis for tide services
>> - python notebook example for bathymetry


– 30 min

Day 4 Afternoon – Hands-on session

(Fedor Baart - DELTARES, Glenn Nolan - Marine Institute, Ireland
and Joel Azzopardi, Adam Gauci - PO-Unit, UoM)

Day 5 Morning - Applications


Introduction to applications and downstream services (Glenn Nolan - Marine Institute, Ireland)

Applications in marine environmental monitoring and assessments

  • The European Marine Ecosystem Observatory (Jo Foden - CEFAS)


  • 1hr
    Applications in maritime transport, security, safety and pollution
  • Oil spill modelling: The MEDSLIK experience
    (George Zodiatis


  • OC-UCY, Member of the MyOcean Project)


  • 1hr
    Applications in coastal engineering
  • The Delft3d modelling experience (Fedor Baart




  • 1hr