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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

See also: OATC Wiki Home

Date: November 9 - 12, 2009
Venue: Alterra, Gaia building, room C011; Wageningen, The Netherlands


Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Adrian Harper, Wallingford Software (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (
~don Unknown User (don), Deltares (, DHI (

~jnh@dhigroup Unknown User (, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (
Daniele Andreis,Universita` di Trento,(
Jan Gregersen, LicTek


If a component performs an update, it may neglect all "non consumed" output items. An output item is consumed if its list of consumers contains at least one item, and/or if its list of decorators contains at least one item.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Related to this: do we need {{void Update(params IOutputItem\[\] requiredOutputItems)}}, or is void Update() enough? The alternative is that the consuming component(s) register/deregister input items to/from the output items that they want to be updated.
After some discussion we concluded that we need a relevant use case for this. Rob will create one in Java, Stef will port it to C#.
If we decide to keep it in, we should explain in detail how a time progressing component behaves when the optional argument is given indeed.

My vote is to keep it. Typical use case is to ask component for an update only of some specific items, think about it as a query. We can then test components independently from the rest. E.g. query values only for selected areas event when component can provide data for many areas.


So the result of the discussion is that:


  • {{IlinkableComponent.Initialize(IArgument\[\] arguments)}} will be changed to {{{*}IlinkableComponent.Initialize()*}}

Gena: (thumbs up)

IOutputItem.Consumers and IOutputItem.Decorators


Gena will prepare sugestion for the structureAll came with the ideasWhen will be agreed - Gena will implement it and write short description

5 Next meeting

Next meeting will be handeled as the extension of the January OpenLife final meeting 13-14.1 2010. Place will be specified later.