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How to use the NGMS Scenario Editor



The Scenario Editor can be used to create what-if scenarios for the available models and reference scenarios using pre defined intervention types. The following predefined intervention types are already being used (this can be different for each model):

  • modified abstractions
  • add new abstractions
  • modified recharge scenarios
  • drought scenarios
  • run flowsource as a scenario
  • run zonebudget as a scenario
  • run a submodel as a scenario

This list is not complete as it is configurable and will be extended based on new requests.


Selecting an item in the boxes on the left, selects content belonging to the selected node in the main panel. Using the first two boxes on the left, the user can select an area and a template. When selecting these items, the mainPanel will show descriptions for these items. Once a template is selected, with the third box scenarios can be managed. The bottom box allows the user to add an intervention type to be used in the selected scenario that is configured for the selected template.

Once the scenario is filled, the Run button at the button bar at the bottom of the screen can be used to start the selected scenario. At least one intervention type should be added to the scenario before the scenario can be saved or run. The logging area shows messages when problems were encountered. When there are pending changes, the Save all button can be used to save all changes to the local datastore.


Selecting the top node will select the InfoDisplay. This page contains the configured map and shows a brief introduction text above the map.


This panel is active when first an area is selected in the first box in the top left corner, and then a scenario template is selected in the second box on the left. The WorkflowDetailsPanel is then shown in the main panel. It shows the preconfigured title and the description of the workflow for the selected scenario template at the top half of the WorkflowDetailsPanel . In the panel below that, the user can browse through the initial states and initial state descriptions that were configured for the scenario editor.  


The third box on the left is the ScenarioList. The ScenarioList allows the user to save a modified scenario, save a selected scenario under a different name, rename the scenario, duplicate the selected scenario, delete the selected scenario, or to create a new scenario. When the user has done something in the ScenarioEditor that modifies the scenario, it will be marked as modified with an asterisk. Some buttons may be disabled by the configuration, in which case the user cannot alter scenarios.


When a scenario is selected in this box and the scenario is not persistent, the user can edit the scenario name and description in the main panel. Afterwards the scenario will be marked as modified. The modified scenario needs to be savedin order to store this change into the local datastore.


The bottom box on the left of the Scenario Editor contains the list of intervention types that are available for the selected template. The user will only get to see intervention types that were configured. The purpose of these intervention types is to prepare data for the model adapter.

The following general intervention types are available:

  • ConfigFileSelection
  • Transformations
  • LocationSelection
  • AreaSelection

These general intervention types can be used to configure model specific intervention types. These model specific intervention types are pre defined and the user can only select from the pre defined interventions. In the background any of these predefined intervention types are using one of the above specified types. The next sections describe each of the listed general intervention types in more detail.



The intervention type ConfigFileSelection is presented in the ConfigFileSelectionPanel. This intervention type allows the user to select ModuleParameterFiles or ModuleDataSetFiles to be used within the run.


The point of the TransformationPanel is to provide timeseries a selection of locations as input for the run. When a variable tranformation intervention type is selected, the user can select a transformation for a selection of locations.

Selection of locations within the TransformationPanel

There are two different options to select locations for a transformation. The first option selects a single location or all locations of a locationset via a pull down menu.

Alternatively, the SearchDialog can be used select multiple locations via text search on several fields.

TimeSeries specifications using formulas in the Calculation Editor

After selecting the locations to use for the transformation, the user can activate the CalculationEditor to specify a formula that will produce new timeseries to be used for the run, for the selected locations. 

After saving the formula, the transformation will appear as a new row in the TransformationPanel. Only one transformation per location is allowed.

Transformations New timeseries

Instead of using a formula, the timeseries can also be edited from scratch or imported. Image Removed, imported or copied from excel. Three options are available;

  1. typical profile (when you want to create a new series with all unique values)
  2. year profile (when you want to create/complete a series with a yearly pattern)
  3. historical profile (when you want to change the actual historical data)

These options are all available for scalar time series, for gridded time series it is not possible to change the historical gridded data. You can define a new series (typical profile) with year values to define the historical years from the available time series in the database to replace the current grids.
Image Added

When you select one of the profile options you will see 2 or 3 columns (column C is only available with historical profiles) .

The total number of columns depends on whether what configured in the Scenario Editor configuration file (<yearsParameterId>Year</yearsParameterId> and/or <factorParameterId>factor</factorParameterId>)

  • Column A (year) --> used to create new series
  • Column B (seasonal)  --> used for seasonal factor
  • Column C  --> is showing the historical series (only visible when there is data in the database for that period)

Using the Retrieve historical values button on the context menu retrieves historical data from the selected year, when data is available.


A popup window with a drop down selection box will allow you to select a specific year with historical data from the database.


Specify and add new abstractions

This panel allows the user to select the coordinates of the location to add and specify the name, licence nr and model layer for teh new location.


In this panel the user  can select a grid center representing teh coordinates specified.



An intervention type of type LocationSelection allows the user to mark locations from a list as selected. The popup menu (right-click mouse button) can be used for selecting, de-selecting and toggling the inverted items in one action. By default all locations are selected. This intervention type can be used to run specific scenarios only for the selected locations.


An intervention type of type PolygonSelection allows the user to choose a single polygon from a predefined list. This list can then be exported by the General adapter as a mask file in order to be picked up by the model. The use user only has to select an item from the pull-down menu. The option <Entire model area> is to be used when no selection is added to the scenario (default). Alternatively, the import button can be used to import a shape file describing a polygon. This polygon or mask will then be used to only run a model for that selected area.

Running the scenarios

When a scenario is created and all modifications are defined, the run button in the main Scenario Editor window can be used to start running a scenario. The following dialog will op up and the user can give a description to the scenario. The user can also select an initial state (initial conditions for the model) to start from and the user can specify the length of the model run or a fixed end date.  

Image Modified

The Summary Tab gives an overview of the selected options for the scenario that you are going to run.
