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Code Block
set from=
set into=d:\opendap\tno\
bitsadmin /transfer Job001 /download /priority normal
bitsadmin /transfer Job001 /download /priority normal
bitsadmin /transfer Job001 /download /priority normal
bitsadmin /transfer Job001 /download /priority normal
bitsadmin /transfer Job001 /download /priority normal

Yoou You can access subsets these files with the Matlab netCDF package called ncread and with the python package netcdf4-python, see our Matlab example and

python example.

TNO grain size maps

A Matlab simple example how to make a publication quality figure is given here


We used this image as Fig. 8 in our 2011 paper Mechanisms controlling the intra-annual mesoscale variability of SST and SPM in the southern North Sea.

Sedimentatlas waddensea

A second Matlab example is a dataset used for Fig 9 in our 2008 paper Modeling large-scale cohesive sediment transport affected by small-scale biological activity. Here's an exmaple how to work with these data, find more script in


Code Block
%% load data
 F          = '';
 D.lon      = ncread(F,'lon');      = ncread(F,'lat');
 D.cumphi   = ncread(F,'cumphi');
 D.diameter = ncread(F,'diameter');
[D.x,D.y]   = convertCoordinates(D.lon,,'CS1.code',4326,'CS2.code',28992);% wgs84 to RD
fraction = 10; % fraction to work with

%% add coastal data
L = nc2struct('')
[L.x,L.y]   = convertCoordinates(L.lon,,'CS1.code',4326,'CS2.code',28992);% wgs84 to RD

%% plot data
caxis            ([0 100])
scatter          (D.x,D.y,20,D.cumphi(fraction,:),'.')
colorbarwithvtext(['D < ',num2str(D.diameter(fraction)),' \mum [%]'])
axis equal
grid on
tickmap          ('xy')
hold on
box on

%% plot in Google Earth 
 KMLscatter( ,D.lon ,D.cumphi(10,:),'fileName',['sedimentatlas_waddenzee.kml'],...
    'CBcolorTitle',['D < ',num2str(D.diameter(fraction)),' \mum [%]'],...

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