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Table of Contents

This document describes how the new layout of Delta Shell developer projects is defined and how it can be expanded with new products and projects. The Delta Shell Framework is split up into separate NuGet packages that can be imported into C# projects in order to develop plugins for Delta Shell.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="repositoryPath" value="packages"/>
    <add key="enabled" value="True" />
    <add key="automatic" value="True" />
    <add key="" value="" />
    <add key="TeamcityAuth" value="https" />
    <add key="Teamcity" value="https" />
    <add key="TeamcityAuth" value="https" />
      <add key="Username" value="dscbuildserver" />
      <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="[DSCBUILDSERVERPASSWORD]" />


The DeltaShell.Framework package ensures that all files in the framework are on your computer. It also adds a .targets fie file to your project so that it will copy the framework files into $(SolutionDir}bin\DeltaShell.


You can also make a unit test project that works in Delta Shell. To do so, install the DeltaShell.TestProject package into your test project. Take notice of the Default Project in the Package Manager Console, because you want the DeltaShell.TestProject to be in your test project and not in your application plugin project. The package sets the output directory of your project to $(SolutionDir)\bin\$(Configuration)

The test project also adds some extra lines to App.config.These lines make sure that your unit test can find the framework and the plugins.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
      <probing privatePath="DeltaShell;plugins;"/>

Auto-Restore Packages

You don't have to add the packages folder to svn, because TeamCity and Visual Studio already know how to handle and download the packages.

You may right click on your solution in visual studio and click Enable auto restore NuGet packages. This will add some files and a folder to your solution. From now on, the packages will be downloaded automatically when missing before compilation.

Creating an ApplicationPlugin derivative

Now that your project is ready to work with, you can add your first class, that will be an ApplicationPlugin. How to actually write the rest of an ApplicationPlugin will be explained in another tutorial.

Code Block
namespace DeltaShell.Plugins.Unibest
    public class UnibestApplicationPlugin : ApplicationPlugin

Now you are almost ready to compile.

Setting up compilation

It is of utmost importance to remember the following:


You must always set the references to framework dll's to copy-local=False. This also accounts for Mono.Addings and other dll's that are automatically added to the project.

Why, you ask? Because they are already being copied into $(SolutionDir)\bin\DeltaShell and don't need to be in your own assembly's output folder.


You must always set the references to other project to copy-local=False

Why, you ask? Because they already have their own output folder and you don't want these dlls to be doubled in your bin directory.


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Sometimes, you just need a reference to an external library that is already compiled. You can add those too. But remember that adding a reference comes with the responsibility of copying it or not.

If you require other files, like native libraries that are not referenced, to go to your output folder; add them as content to the project. The folder structure that is used in the project is mirrored to the output folder. For example, if you have a folder called myNatives in your csproj, there will be a folder called myNatives next to the final dll. Set the content that you want to add to Copy if newer, so that it will be copied to the output folder.



Now you may press the compile button. Have a look in your bin folder next to your solution folder. You will see that there are two folders. One is for the framework, the other contains all the plugins.


If something went wrong during compilation and you see that your bin folder contains more than you wanted, it is the easiest and cleanest to just delete your bin folder in the solution folder. This is quicker and safer than pressing clean in Visual Studio.

Verify your build output

You can find your own dll in bin\$(Configuration)\plugins\$(AssemblyName).

Your test project is compiled into the bin folder directly, because it has to know about the plugins and the framework. This may look a bit odd, but we are still looking for a good workaround for that. There will also be a folder called test-data that contains a symbolic link. This will be explained later in this tutorial.


Always take notice that your plugin folder only contains the dlls you expect. And always take notice that $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration) only contains test dlls and test utils dlls.

Updating to a newer version

If you have received a message that a new version of the framework has been released, you can manually update your packages in your product by executing some NuGet commands via the NuGet Package Console, which can be found under Tools > NuGet package manager. Do not forget to set your package source to TeamcityAuth.

Code Block
Update-Package DeltaShell.ApplicationPlugin -Version y.y.y.yyyyy -FileConflictAction Overwrite
Update-Package DeltaShell.TestProject -Version y.y.y.yyyyy -FileConflictAction Overwrite
Update-Package DeltaShell.Framework -Version y.y.y.yyyyy -FileConflictAction Overwrite

This will uninstall the old version and then install the new version. You can simply commit the files that have been changed in your projects. You don't have to commit the nuget packages, because we already have auto-restore enabled.

When you are going to commit the updated package, you can verify your commit. There are a couple of files that have changed. Namely, everything that has the version number referenced in their file. So for example, all csproj files will have updated references. Another file is the packages.config file that belongs to the project. It will contain an updated version number as well. All files that were in the content folder of the nuget package are replaced.




Code Block
  <Reference Include="DelftTools.Functions">


Code Block
  <Reference Include="DelftTools.Functions">


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <package id="DeltaShell.ApplicationPlugin" version="" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="DeltaShell.Framework" version="" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="log4net" version="1.2.10" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="Mono.Addins" version="1.0" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="PostSharp" version="" targetFramework="net40" />


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <package id="DeltaShell.ApplicationPlugin" version="" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="DeltaShell.Framework" version="" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="log4net" version="1.2.10" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="Mono.Addins" version="1.0" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="PostSharp" version="" targetFramework="net40" />

Creating an ApplicationPlugin derivative

Now that your project is ready to work with, you can add your first class, that will be an ApplicationPlugin. How to actually write the rest of an ApplicationPlugin will be explained in another tutorial.

Code Block
namespace DeltaShell.Plugins.Unibest
    public class UnibestApplicationPlugin : ApplicationPlugin

Now you are almost ready to compile.

Setting up compilation

It is of utmost importance to remember the following:


You must always set the references to framework dll's to copy-local=False. This also accounts for Mono.Addings and other dll's that are automatically added to the project.

Why, you ask? Because they are already being copied into $(SolutionDir)\bin\DeltaShell and don't need to be in your own assembly's output folder.


You must always set the references to other project to copy-local=False

Why, you ask? Because they already have their own output folder and you don't want these dlls to be doubled in your bin directory.


Image Added

Sometimes, you just need a reference to an external library that is already compiled. You can add those too. But remember that adding a reference comes with the responsibility of copying it or not.

If you require other files, like native libraries that are not referenced, to go to your output folder; add them as content to the project. The folder structure that is used in the project is mirrored to the output folder. For example, if you have a folder called myNatives in your csproj, there will be a folder called myNatives next to the final dll. Set the content that you want to add to Copy if newer, so that it will be copied to the output folder.



Now you may press the compile button. Have a look in your bin folder next to your solution folder. You will see that there are two folders. One is for the framework, the other contains all the plugins.


If something went wrong during compilation and you see that your bin folder contains more than you wanted, it is the easiest and cleanest to just delete your bin folder in the solution folder. This is quicker and safer than pressing clean in Visual Studio.

Verify your build output

You can find your own dll in bin\$(Configuration)\plugins\$(AssemblyName).

Your test project is compiled into the bin folder directly, because it has to know about the plugins and the framework. This may look a bit odd, but we are still looking for a good workaround for that. There will also be a folder called test-data that contains a symbolic link. This will be explained later in this tutorial.


Always take notice that your plugin folder only contains the dlls you expect. And always take notice that $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration) only contains test dlls and test utils dlls.

The bin folder should look like the following. The test dlls are directly in the Debug or Release folder and finds the dlls via app.config probing. The plugin dlls are in its plugin directory and should not contain any dlls like PostSharp or other 3rd party dlls. And there shouldn't be any deltashell framework dlls either.

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Debugging Delta Shell

Since your assemblies are just dll's and don't have an actual startup point, you will have to set it yourself. We wanted to add this information in the install script of the NuGet packages, but it seems that this is information found in the .suo file.
