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  1. First a the geo-platform's service stack needs to be downloaded. At the moment of writing branch 1.6.x is a stable branch.
     git clone
  2. Create a database called gp with a postgis extension.
     createdb gp
     psql -d gp -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
    Fill in the user name and password of the gp database in the ( $geoplatform/geoplatform-tools/geoplatform-configurator/src/main/resources/ )
  3. execute 'mvn clean install' from <geoSDI_directory>/geoplatform-tools/geoplatform-configurator
  4. execute 'mvn clean install P wms,wfs' <geoSDI_directory>/geoplatform-service
    Sometimes the ddl to create the tables in the gp database is executed correctly. This can also be done manually if it is not running automatically. The ddl is located in the following subfolder: $geo-platform/geoplatform-services/geoplatform-core/geoplatform-dao/target/classes/geoplatform-model.ddl
  5. launch the web-services: mvn jetty:run -P wms,wfs
  6. compile the geoplatform-base-app:
    • clone geoplatform-base-app git clone
    • Go to the geoplatform-base-app directory and run mvn clean install
      During this installation the geoplatform-gxt-resources-2.3.0.jar will be downloaded. My installation failed to download that file. The geoSDI team send my that specific file. If you've the same problem you can mail one of the developers and ask for that file. It can be installed with the
      following command:
      mvn install:install-file -Dfile=geoplatform-gxt-resources-2.3.0.jar -DgroupId=org.geosdi -DartifactId=geoplatform-gxt-resources -Dversion=2.3.0 -Dpackaging=jar
  7. Launch the geoplatform-base-app with mvn jetty:run. You can access the geo-platform-base-app on localhost:9393