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Data retrieval

Access with R

Code Block
to dolibrary(RPostgreSQL)

drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL") ## load the PostgreSQL driver
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname="ices1", host="localhost", user="postgres", password="yourpassword") ## Open a connection
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select tempdata.adate, tempdata.temp,, tempdata.psal from tempdata") ## Submits a statement and declare variable result set (rs)
df <- fetch(rs, n = -1) ## fetch all elements from the result set into a data.frame. n = number of records, n=-1 means all records
dim(df) ## Check number of records
head(df) ##show first lines
dbDisconnect(con) ## Closes the connection
dbUnloadDriver(drv) ## Frees all the resources on the driver

Access with matlab

Install OpenearthTools. This contains an open source database acces toolbox for those who do not have a database toolbox license.
