- EGU 2023, Vienna (https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/46604):
- Assessing the impact of climate change and anthropogenic factors on future salinization of a low-lying coastal groundwater system (Northwestern Germany), SL Seibert, J Greskowiak, L Karrasch, B Siebenhüner, GHP Oude Essink, et al.
- Detailed monitoring and simulation of groundwater salinity in response to extractions in a coastal aquifer system, T Hendrikx, GHP Oude Essink, M Karaoulis, M Bierkens
- 3D groundwater salinity mapping of the global coastal zone, GHP Oude Essink, D Zamrsky, J King, J Delsman, J Verkaik, M Bierkens
- A study on the suitability and quantitative potential of aquifer storage and recovery and brackish water extraction in Dutch coastal areas, I America-van den Heuvel, J King, H Bootsma, J Delsman, et al.
- Effects of surface water boundary condition scaling on modelled groundwater salinity and salt fluxes, I Farias, GHP Oude Essink, P de Louw, MFP Bierkens
- New developments in the field of global coastal groundwater salinity modelling and mapping, GHP Oude Essink, D Zamrsky, J King, J Delsman, J Verkaik, M Bierkens
- Groundwater key to the SDGs, Paris, France, 18 May 2023: Oude Essink, G.H.P., Minderhoud, P.S.J., Phạm, H.V., Schoonderwoerd, E., De Keijzer, O.; Groundwater (mis)management in sinking and saltier deltas: The Mekong Delta case
- XXIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR), Gdansk, Poland, 20-23 June 2022 (convenor Gu Oude Essink), presentation Joeri van Engelen:
- Stockholm World Water Week, session 31 Augustus 2022 (convenors Schoonderwoerd, E. De Keizer, O., Oude Essink, G.H.P.): Groundwater management: key to resilient deltas for food and nature-
- AGU, Dec 2022 Chicago, Global 3D groundwater salinity mapping and its impacts on public health risks; Gribble O'Madigan, M., Zamrsky, D., Oude Essink, G.H.P., Bierkens, M.F.P., King, J. Delsman, J., Verkaik, J., Wheeler, B., Fleming, L.
- UNESCO conference 8-10 November 2022, Paris, France: ‘Management coastal aquifers and related ecosystems in the Mediterranean’, presentation ‘Ongoing research on salt water intrusion’, presenter Oude Essink, G.H.P.
- 17-18 October 2022, Venezia, Italy: Knowledge HUB on sea-level rise, https://knowledgehubsealevelrise.org/, presentation Quantification of groundwater salinization and inland freshwater demand caused by extreme sea level rise in the Netherlands, presenter Oude Essink, G.H.P.