Versions Compared


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Merging the DisplayGroups configuration files requires some more changes in the spreadsheets. One has to merge the sheet 'DisplayGroups_plotdef' as well as the sheet 'DisplayGroups_folders'.


  • Open the 'Region_Displays.xls' spreadheet and go to the 'DisplayGroups_plotdef' sheet which contains the plot definitions for Model1. The plot definitions form the first part of the DisplayGroups.xml file.
  • The 'DisplayGroups_plotdef' sheet should contain all the scenarios and parameters used in either of the models. Copy all plot definitions for the display groups of Model2 from the spreadsheet 'Model2_Displays.xls' from the sheet 'DisplayGroups_plotdef' which are not yet part of the plot definitions for the display groups of Model1 in the ' Region_Displays.xls' spreadheet. If the time step of the time series used for Model2 is the same as used for Model1, the plot definitions can be used for both models, e.g. plot definition 'plot_H_whatif(Hist)_ to _ref(Hist)' will be used for both Model1 and Model2. => see example 1If the time step of the time series used for Model2 differs from the time step used for Model1, each Model needs its own plot definition. All plot definitions of Model2 have then to be copied to the sheet 'DisplayGoups_plotdef' in the the end of the sheet 'DisplayGroups" in the 'Region_Displays.xls' spreadheet. To distinguish between the plot definition of the two model you now have to models add a postfix to each plot id of the plot definitions for MOdel2 with the models model's abbrevation, e.g. plot definition with plot id  'plot_H_whatif(Hist)_to_ref(Hist)_Model1' will be used for Model1 and plot definition with plot id 'plot_H_whatif(Hist)_to_ref(Hist)_Model2' will be used for Model2. The plot id in the sheet  'DisplayGroups_folders' which refer to the plot definitions in the sheet 'DisplayGroups_plotdef' have to be changed accordingly. => see example 2

           example 1 (time step is the same)

add example file

               example 2 (time step differs)

2 Merge sheet 'DisplayGroups_folders'
