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More and more, aquatic and semi-terrestrial vegetation (salt marshes, mangroves, floodplain vegetation) is playing a prominent role in interdisciplinary studies of recovering or threatened ecosystems and flood risk reduction. Both within Deltares and in the world around us, vegetation is a topic of interest for many different disciplines (hydrodynamics, morphology, (ground-)water quality, ecology and eco-engineering). Because vegetation modelling is a very interdisciplinary subject, it tends to fall between programmes or themes and people of different units do not always know the state-of-the-art. This wiki will help the vegetation modelling community (and other modellers) to integrate vegetation modelling tools, share knowledge and keep each other up-to-date on developments.

  • On this wiki, you will find an overview of presently available vegetation modelling tools and their status as well as planned/suggested developments.
  • There is a materials section where you can find illustrations and presentations.
  • To see who is doing what, there are pages on people involved internally and on co-operation with other institutes and companies.
  • To keep each other up-to-date, there are sections on activities and ideas for developments, research and market actions.

Related Themes and Programmes

Themes and programmes that relate to vegetation modelling are:

Theme Ecosystemen en Milieu Kwaliteit:   

  • Next Generation Information Tools (Nicky Villars)
  • Eco-Engineering (Tom Buijse)
  • Eco-infrastructure (Victor Beumer)
  • Ecosystem Services (Suzanne vd Meulen)                       
  • Van Perceel naar Zee (Leonard Oste)

Thema Water Veiligheid:      

  • Systeemgedrag Kust (Ad vd Spek)
  • Event-driven morphodynamics (Ap van Dongeren)
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Developers and users of vegetation modelling tools, grouped per tool.

Delft3D Flow

Developers: Rob Uittenbogaard, Herman Kernkamp, Adri Mourits

Users: Jasper Dijkstra, Mijke van Oorschot, Bas Borsje


Developers: Herman Kernkamp, Arthur van Dam, Adri Maurits



Macrophyte module: Ellis Penning, Valesca Harezlak, Jos van Gils, Rudy Scheuder

Vegmod: Johannes Smits

Interaction with morphology: Qinhua Ye, Bert Jagers


Clara Chrzanowski, Valesca Harezlak, Marjolein Haasnoot, Mijke van Oorschot, Jasper Dijkstra


Arnold van Rooijen, Ap van Dongeren, Joost den Bieman, Ellen Quataert


Menno Genseberger, Jacco Groeneweg (?), Tomohiro Suzuki (external)


Rob Uittenbogaard, Jasper Dijkstra, Niels Jacobsen





Delft3D flow

1DV module – rigid plants affect flow and turbulence in 3D

Available, documented

Adri Mourits

Delft3D flow

Trachytope formula, 2D flow

Available, documented

Bert Jagers


Trachytope formula, 2D flow

Available, not tested

Herman Kernkamp

D-FM 1DV module – rigid plants affect flow and turbulence in 3D Available not documented. Detailing of input required.

Herman Kernkamp

D-FM dynamic vegetation development via Python Under development Peter Herman, Arthur van Dam


Additional effect of vegetation in formula, based on work of Suzuki

Available, documented

Jacco Groeneweg


Short and long wave attenuation by rigid vegetation (e.g. mangroves)

Available, documented

Arnold van Rooijen


SAV; Macrophyte module with biomass development linked to nutrients, light etc.

Available, under development

Ellis Penning


Vegmod; Emergent vegetation development linked to nutrients; no flow feedback

Available, documented

Johannes Smits


Vegetation dynamics for flow without link to nutrients, dedicated for feedback to flow

Available, undocumented, special version?

Qinghua Ye


Particle tracking; dispersal of seeds

Available, documented

Michelle Jeuken


Flexible vegetation – flow interactions. Via Matlab link with D3Dflow (patchwork)

Available, undocumented, not linked formally with standard Deltares software

Jasper Dijkstra


Potential habitat for various plants and animals via knowledge rules, static GIS overlay procedures

Available, documented

Clara Chzranowski







Unclear if/how Sobek-users implement vegetation. Delwaq as a potential tool


Matlab modules

Interaction of different vegetation types and life stages with hydromorphology (REFORM project)

Includes interactive coupling procedure with Delft3D-FLOW - undocumented

Mijke van Oorschot

Matlab modules

Interaction of flexible vegetation with flow (and sediment)

Unofficial, undocumented

Jasper Dijkstra

Capability statement

Capability Statement on Vegetation Modelling Oct2014

Presentations and posters

Vegetation modelling Delft Software Days 2013 (ppt; Dijkstra & Penning)

Nisqually wetland development Delwaq (poster; Ye & Jagers)


Flexible vegetation, Dynveg: Dijkstra & Uittenbogaard 2010

Vegetation resistance, trachytopes, k-epsilon model, Delft3D: Baptist et al. 2007

Flow routing mangroves, Delft3D: Horstman et al . 2013

Flow routing and sediment transport on salt marshes, Delft3D: Temmerman et al. 2005

Sediment transport, deltaic development, Delft3D: Nardin & Edmonds 2014



Agenda (conferences, meetings etc.)





June 2015 IAHR Conference Jasper Sediment transport and underwater light climate affected by flexible aquatic vegetation

November 2014

Delft Software Days



September 16, 2014

EE LunchLecture on modelling



September, 2014

RiverFlow Conference, Swiss

Lora Buckman

present experimental work on forces on plants

Activities (developments, proposals, etc.)






feb 2016 2017-2018 Vegetation modelling for spearhead NBFD: incorporate dynamic vegetation in DFM and set-up community Peter H., Jasper, Arthur, Herman external parties: UUtrecht, UAntwerpen
aug 2014 July 2015 Model long-term salt marsh/mangrove development + wave attenuation (XBeach) Bregje, Jasper, Karel, Arnold co-operation with The Water Institute

sept 2014

Apr 2015

Validate Dynveg for waves

Rob, Joost Dobken (TUD), Wout Bakker (TUD) Incl. experimental work in flume TUD, video of vegetation motion

dec 2013


Incorporating wave attenuation by stiff emergent vegetation in XBeach





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