Currently our theme for layers provides minimal functionality, in the future version we probably should use SLD Styled Layer Descriptor, an OGC standard (see

Here is an example how Google Maps symbology can be configured using SLD:

Check for examples.

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (berg_p)

    I have been fixing the current implementation of themes/ styling to give better support in the current version. The following points need attention:

    • Support transparency; can be useful when working with multiple quality variables. Show multiple variables on map. If concentration is irrelevant set to transparent else set to less transparency
    • Enable user to define their own color scheme
    • Enable user to fix colors for certain values. The current implementation automatically calculates the colors based on the min and max values. This isn't very useful when you are interested in special values. For example color should be red if velocity exceeds 1 m/s.
    • Enable theming on multiple variables. This is a tricky one because theming is now always based on 1 layer. But it would be very nice if it is possible to use symbology were for example the color is based on the velocity and the size (width channel) based on the depth.
      Another solution would be to support multiple attributes in a network coverage and use for 1d flow not 5 network coverages as output but 1 with 5 attributes and redesign the theme dialog to use 1 attribute for size and another for color.
    • support user defined themes to be saved and retrieved (template library).