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  • Converting IValueSet results to enumerations


public interface IExchangeAdaptor
        IExchangeItem ExchangeItemOriginal { set; get; }
        IExchangeItem ExchangeItemNew { get; }
        object Adapt(IValueSet value);

    // Optional Extension for ILinkableComponent

    interface IExchangeAdaptable
        int SuggestedAdaptorsCount { get; }
        IExchangeAdaptor AdaptorSugestion(int index);


    enum ReedGrowth { High = 0, Medium, Low, }
        static void Adaptors()
            ITime time = new TimeStamp(10.0);
            string linkid = "wibble";

            // has an output exchange item which returns Reed Growth as a height (IScalar/double)
            ILinkableComponent iLC = new LinkableComponentReedGrowth();

            IValueSet vs = iLC.GetValues(time, linkid);

            double d = ((IScalarSet)vs).GetScalar(0);

            string id = iLC.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).Quantity.ID;
            string idd = iLC.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).Quantity.Description;

            // make 3rd party Linkable component adaptable
            LinkableComponentAdaptable iLCA = new LinkableComponentAdaptable(iLC);

            // change Reed Growth to an enum ReedGrowth { High = 0, Medium, Low, } 
            int index = iLCA.MakeAdaption("ReedGrowthHeight", new ReedGrowthEnum());

            ReedGrowth growth = (ReedGrowth)iLCA.GetValuesAdapted(time, linkid);

            string ida = iLCA.GetOutputExchangeItem(index).Quantity.ID;
            string idda = iLCA.GetOutputExchangeItem(index).Quantity.Description;

            // Another proposed change:
            // object GetValues(time, linkid, out bool adapted);
            // if adapted false then IValueSet returned, else user needs to test against 'as' ie ...

            object o = iLCA.GetValuesAdapted(time, linkid);

            if (o is ReedGrowth)
                ReedGrowth gr = (ReedGrowth)o;

                bool badGrowth = gr == ReedGrowth.High;
    class LinkableComponentAdaptable : ILinkableComponent
        // Redirect to aggregated linkiable component all members ....

        #region ILinkableComponent Members
        #region IPublisher Members

        // ... except ....

        public LinkableComponentAdaptable(ILinkableComponent iLC)
            _iLC = iLC;

        public int OutputExchangeItemCount
            get { return _iLC.OutputExchangeItemCount; }

        public IOutputExchangeItem GetOutputExchangeItem(int index)
            IOutputExchangeItem item = _iLC.GetOutputExchangeItem(index);

            if (_adaptedExchangeItems.ContainsKey(item))
                return (IOutputExchangeItem)_adaptedExchangeItems[item].ExchangeItemNew;

            return item;

        public IValueSet GetValues(ITime time, string linkID)
            return _iLC.GetValues(time, linkID);

        public object GetValuesAdapted(ITime time, string linkID)
            IValueSet vs = _iLC.GetValues(time, linkID);

             * from linkid get iLink
             * from iLink get sourceComponent
             * from iLink get sourceQuantity.ID
             * fudged below ....

            ILinkableComponent iSource = this; // fudge
            string sourceQID = "ReedGrowthHeightEnum"; // fudge

            int index = -1;

            for (int n = 0; n < iSource.OutputExchangeItemCount; ++n)
                if (iSource.GetOutputExchangeItem(n).Quantity.ID == sourceQID)
                    index = n;

            if (index > -1)
                IOutputExchangeItem item = _iLC.GetOutputExchangeItem(index);

                if (_adaptedExchangeItems.ContainsKey(item))
                    return _adaptedExchangeItems[item].Adapt(vs);

            return vs;

        // New Members

        public int MakeAdaption(string quantityId, IExchangeAdaptor adaptor)
            for (int n = 0; n < OutputExchangeItemCount; ++n)
                if (GetOutputExchangeItem(n).Quantity.ID == quantityId)
                    adaptor.ExchangeItemOriginal = GetOutputExchangeItem(n);
                    _adaptedExchangeItems.Add(GetOutputExchangeItem(n), adaptor);
                    return n;

            return -1;

        Dictionary<IOutputExchangeItem, IExchangeAdaptor> _adaptedExchangeItems = new Dictionary<IOutputExchangeItem, IExchangeAdaptor>();
        ILinkableComponent _iLC;

    class QuantityAsEnum : IQuantity
        IQuantity _quantity;

        public QuantityAsEnum(IQuantity q)
            _quantity = q;

        #region IQuantity Members

        public string ID
            get { return _quantity.ID + "Enum"; }

        public string Description
            get { return _quantity.Description + " Adapted to enumeration return value"; }

        public org.OpenMI.Standard.ValueType ValueType
            get { return _quantity.ValueType; }

        public IDimension Dimension
            get { return _quantity.Dimension; }

        public IUnit Unit
            get { return _quantity.Unit; }

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